*~Shini's List! Ebay auctions online! SMT:Devil Summoner/Psyvariar/LE OST's/Etc..~*

[quote name='Inf^Shini']Haha, sorry for the lingo, when I talk about CS Source I started getting technical about it heh heh.
Too many discussions over Teamspeak/Ventrillo/mIRC and in-game source chat have hammered the lingo into my mind o_O

I have never tried any of the previous elder scrolls games, and never had any interest in them. After all the hype about oblivion though, I payed attention, mainly to the fact that it played differently than the rest of the series.
It started growing on me after playing a little while because you can change to a third person view and playing like that reminded me of Fable, and I really enjoyed that game. Hearing that this was a deep and long game made me more interested in trying it out. However, I don't play it much, especially with NGS and Resistance to take up my PS3 gaming time along with Super Stardust ;)

Heavenly Sword is going to become a trilogy, from what I've read in the official thread here at CAG.
Resistance should be having a sequel, since the ending left it wide open for one.

The NGS CE is becoming rarer since it only had one print run so it's OOP, and there weren't that many left over after pre-orders, and I got lucky in finding one store a couple miles away that had one sealed copy left. I traded in VF5 and RR7 for it and had to drop $10 since it was over the $60 value.

They have sold from as low as $50 to as high as $120 + shipping. I'd say the average value on there is around $80-90 + shipping.

Good luck finding a copy, I had to phone at least 10 stores in a 20 mile radius before I got a hit. I realized this would be my best chance to get it with the trade-in promotion they were having at the time. This was almost a month ago, or maybe even longer :whistle2:s[/quote]

Haha, that's fine - I figured you'd be a CS maniac. Yea, with your experience of FPS... no wonder you're the cag leader for resistance.

Actually, I understand where you are comming from with the 360 v. ps3 controls with shooters. Not sure but I feel more confortable with the 360 controller... that's why i'd like to get shooters on that system. But hey, let's see how resistance fairs along.

Sounds great regarding heavenly sword. The game looks amazing & i'm pretty hyped about it... I just hope the developer don't let me down.

Resistance - sounds like Gears of war... left that one wide open for a sequel too haha.

Man... nice snag with the NGS CE.... I knew I should have jumped on this. however, I didn't know it would only be in a limited run. First Printing only?! what the heck!! I wonder what other games will have a limited print of collectors.... assassins creed?
Either way, I'm not too upset about it - since the NGS CE didn't really give enough to merit the extra $10 price tag. I wish the developers would actually add more extras with Limited editions.... not just some 'making of dvd' - I want an artbook & OST..figurine!!

I am really thinking of doing the suikoden V + FFX for DJ max 2 trade...
but wondering if you'd be willing to let go of it's Artbook as well? (since that's what I wanted toe most...... =/)

I'll add in MK DD !! :).

well lmk! BUMMMP!
Hey Shini,
tried to PM you but your pm box is full!

would you do
FFX2 (new/non gh) + Suikoden V (new) for DJmax2 (new)?
LMK & thanks! BUMMMP!
[quote name='guynextshore']Hey Shini,
tried to PM you but your pm box is full!

would you do
FFX2 (new/non gh) + Suikoden V (new) for DJmax2 (new)?
LMK & thanks! BUMMMP![/quote]
Yea, I haven't been managing my inbox lately >.>

I already have FF X-2, sorry. You're inventory is small now man :eek:

Can't find anything else I'd like :/, thanks for the bump though ;D

In regards to Edictree, I'll be sending you a PM about it soon today, I just gotta take care of some things then I'll let you know what's up.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Yea, I haven't been managing my inbox lately >.>

I already have FF X-2, sorry. You're inventory is small now man :eek:

Can't find anything else I'd like :/, thanks for the bump though ;D

In regards to Edictree, I'll be sending you a PM about it soon today, I just gotta take care of some things then I'll let you know what's up.[/quote]

gotcha buddy!...

Well since you're inbox is still full - how about this trade :).

MY suikoden V + devil summoner (both new)
DJ max 2 + Artbook (assuming both are still new/sealed)?

Well LMK Buddy!
Could you check my list for the following?:

Disgaea Portable (Import)
Disgaea 2 (Import)
KOF Maximum Impact 2 (Import)

I'm mostly interested in the Disgaea Portable. =) Let me know if you see anything on my list of interest.
-nekobi =^-^=
[quote name='nekobi']Hiya,
Could you check my list for the following?:

Disgaea Portable (Import)
Disgaea 2 (Import)
KOF Maximum Impact 2 (Import)

I'm mostly interested in the Disgaea Portable. =) Let me know if you see anything on my list of interest.
-nekobi =^-^=[/quote]

Sup :D

I'm interested in Dawn Of Mana and .hack//Roots Vol.1 LE Box.

Are your Evangelion DVD's the Platinum ones? I've been looking for volumes 3-7 to no avail -_-
The Evangelion DVDs are all original release, sorry! Would you be willing to trade Disgaea Portable for .hack//Roots LE Box (Sealed)? Let me know. Thanks!~

*loves your avatar*
[quote name='nekobi']The Evangelion DVDs are all original release, sorry! Would you be willing to trade Disgaea Portable for .hack//Roots LE Box (Sealed)? Let me know. Thanks!~

*loves your avatar*[/quote]

haha, thanks ^^b

I'd trade my Disgaea Portable + Disgaea 2 for Dawn Of Mana and the .Hack//Roots LE Box.
[quote name='nekobi']Are the Disgaea Portable & DIsgaea 2 the LE versions? Or the normal edition?[/quote]
The normal editions. I took all the factory wrap off Disgaea Portable but it's still mint since I only popped in my PSP once for nostalgia. Disgaea 2 Import still has some of the factory wrap intact, I just slide it out and I've only popped it in to watch the intro movie and about 20 minutes of gaming, so it's in mint condition too.

I have the LE versions, but I'm holding on to those.

*FYI, from my OP:
[quote name='Inf^Shini']
This is my PERSONAL COLLECTION, if you want something from here, I will only consider $$$ offers, but some I will not sell at the moment (Only way to know is to ask!):

The Import games to the right of the DDS Box Set are Psyvariar Ultimate special box, Psyvariar Ultimate 2, and the YS Ark Of Napishtim 1st Print. My DC collection is on the left.

My prized LE and collector's items:

:mrgreen: If you have some good stuff, I wouldn't mind trading an LE for an LE or anything else awesome for that matter ;)
Ahhh sweetness.

I RMA'd my 7900 GT CO Superclocked and since those are discontinued, I got a step-up replacement to a 7950 GT KO Superclocked

*Cheers* It was worth the wait :D
[quote name='Inf^Shini']haha, thanks ^^b

I'd trade my Disgaea Portable + Disgaea 2 for Dawn Of Mana and the .Hack//Roots LE Box.[/quote]
Alright, you have yourself a deal. ^_^ I assume I send first, so email me at [email protected] with your address and I'll get those 2 sent out to you tomorrow.
[quote name='nekobi']Alright, you have yourself a deal. ^_^ I assume I send first, so email me at [email protected] with your address and I'll get those 2 sent out to you tomorrow.[/quote]
Chill, my inbox here on CAG could use a break ^^;;

I wanted to do a trade for KHII Final Mix+, but I know I'll never get around to playing it -.-''

You happen to have any other games you would be willing to part with??

Btw, did you catch my post in your thread? It would be a good idea! :p
been trying to reach u for about a month now.....CML or PM/respond my TL with price for:

.Hack Part 2 :Mutation w/ anime dvd
Wild Arms 2 - Mint Discs, Case cracked
Gundam Rise From The Ashes: Side Story 0079 w/ Extra Disc
Empty LE box for Ys: Ark Of Napishtim


[quote name='Inf^Shini']Chill, my inbox here on CAG could use a break ^^;;

I wanted to do a trade for KHII Final Mix+, but I know I'll never get around to playing it -.-''

You happen to have any other games you would be willing to part with??

Btw, did you catch my post in your thread? It would be a good idea! :p[/quote]

You can take a look at my collection in my sig. It's usually hard to get me to part with anything, but if the offer is right, I'd consider. :) It's not 100% accurate but it's close. I have a few dreamcast imports somewhere that arent on there and any recent purchases aren't either. When I preordered my KH2+ I accidentally ordered the non-LE so when I got it I re-ordered, that's why I have that extra sealed one. The chain of memories remake is pretty awesome though, especially if you've already played the GBA one, then it's really easy to figure out without knowing the language.

Haha, yeah I saw that! That would be funny although a hard one to make. ^^;! She's so crazy! X3
[quote name='refusedchaos']been trying to reach u for about a month now.....CML or PM/respond my TL with price for:

.Hack Part 2 :Mutation w/ anime dvd
Wild Arms 2 - Mint Discs, Case cracked
Gundam Rise From The Ashes: Side Story 0079 w/ Extra Disc
Empty LE box for Ys: Ark Of Napishtim



Sorry I don't get back to you man :/

I keep checking your TL but I can't find anything I'd like to trade for :/

I see some things that interest me, but it's only from your personal collection, and I don't think you'd trade out any of those I'm guessing.

i.e - From your list, I was looking at Xenosaga III, Brave Fencer Musashi, and Final Fantasy X.
[quote name='nekobi']You can take a look at my collection in my sig. It's usually hard to get me to part with anything, but if the offer is right, I'd consider. :) It's not 100% accurate but it's close. I have a few dreamcast imports somewhere that arent on there and any recent purchases aren't either. When I preordered my KH2+ I accidentally ordered the non-LE so when I got it I re-ordered, that's why I have that extra sealed one. The chain of memories remake is pretty awesome though, especially if you've already played the GBA one, then it's really easy to figure out without knowing the language.

Haha, yeah I saw that! That would be funny although a hard one to make. ^^;! She's so crazy! X3[/quote]
Doh#-o, I missed your sig. Same thing happened to me when I ordered the Ys Napishtim LE, the site said first print so I ordered it, then when I saw it was only the game I had to re-order for the LE.

I'd probably trade for that one then, would you take my KOF MI2 ?:O

Btw, I like the site lay-out, did you make that or did ya hire someone?
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Doh#-o, I missed your sig. Same thing happened to me when I ordered the Ys Napishtim LE, the site said first print so I ordered it, then when I saw it was only the game I had to re-order for the LE.

I'd probably trade for that one then, would you take my KOF MI2 ?:O

Btw, I like the site lay-out, did you make that or did ya hire someone?[/quote]

Trying to trade the KH for Bleach Wii or Naruto 4 GCN at the moment, sorry. ^_^;

Yup, the site design was all done by me. :) Hopefully all the pink doesn't scare anyone away. hehe!
[quote name='nekobi']Trying to trade the KH for Bleach Wii or Naruto 4 GCN at the moment, sorry. ^_^;

Yup, the site design was all done by me. :) Hopefully all the pink doesn't scare anyone away. hehe![/quote]

Gah, I shoulda called dibs on it sooner then :/

If it falls through, I'm still here to make a trade ^^b
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Gah, I shoulda called dibs on it sooner then :/

If it falls through, I'm still here to make a trade ^^b[/quote]
Have any other imports besides KOF for trade?
[quote name='nekobi']Have any other imports besides KOF for trade?[/quote]
I have a DS Bleach 1st I'd trade as well as a sealed YS Napishtim 1st Print (Blue Jewel case w/ special sound CD)

I also have part of a DJ Max 2 Orpheus Night Black LE available, it does NOT have the game or Artbook (Lookin' at you guy lol), but has everything else (Orpheus box, Sealed OST, Puzzle, mask, poster)

Oh yea, I also have the special edition FFVII: Dirge Of Cerberus Import, Marvel VS Capcom 2 Korean Version (only the menu is in Korean), and Tekken 5 and Soul Caliber III English Version but region coding is NTSC-J.

I only have one dreamcast import - Gundam Rise From The Ashes: Side Story 0079 w/ Extra Disc - Import w/ bonus disc that includes extra missions, models, and some other stuff.

Edit: I also have some stuff for the Sega Saturn if you're that old school :p
[quote name='Inf^Shini']

I also have part of a DJ Max 2 Orpheus Night Black LE available, it does NOT have the game or Artbook (Lookin' at you guy lol), but has everything else (Orpheus box, Sealed OST, Puzzle, mask, poster)

haha Nuh UH Shini!
i'm gunning for the OST + Poster next.... after that - the box & the rest are MINE!...like I said - I'll get that entire LE from you - piece by piece!!!
[quote name='guynextshore']haha Nuh UH Shini!
i'm gunning for the OST + Poster next.... after that - the box & the rest are MINE!...like I said - I'll get that entire LE from you - piece by piece!!![/quote]
Hahahaha. Hmmm....Persona 3, hhmmmmmmm lol. Oh, yeeesss, nocturne tooooo, mwaa haaa haaa.

Oh hey, that reminds me, didn't you say you could nab a Tales Of Destiny II?

Btw, I really need to clean up my TL. It's like my room, I'm comfortable in it, but if other people see it, they'll have a problem lol.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']I have a DS Bleach 1st I'd trade as well as a sealed YS Napishtim 1st Print (Blue Jewel case w/ special sound CD)

I also have part of a DJ Max 2 Orpheus Night Black LE available, it does NOT have the game or Artbook (Lookin' at you guy lol), but has everything else (Orpheus box, Sealed OST, Puzzle, mask, poster)

Oh yea, I also have the special edition FFVII: Dirge Of Cerberus Import, Marvel VS Capcom 2 Korean Version (only the menu is in Korean), and Tekken 5 and Soul Caliber III English Version but region coding is NTSC-J.

I only have one dreamcast import - Gundam Rise From The Ashes: Side Story 0079 w/ Extra Disc - Import w/ bonus disc that includes extra missions, models, and some other stuff.

Edit: I also have some stuff for the Sega Saturn if you're that old school :p
[/quote] You wouldn't happen to have a Sega Saturn system for trade/sale by any chance would ya? (Japanese or import friendly) It's one of the older systems I still haven't owned. Or Lunar Magic School game for Saturn? Interested in your Bleach DS, anything you want for it?

Your tradelist is better organized in my opinion than a lot of people's on here, heh. ^_~
[quote name='nekobi']You wouldn't happen to have a Sega Saturn system for trade/sale by any chance would ya? (Japanese or import friendly) It's one of the older systems I still haven't owned. Or Lunar Magic School game for Saturn? Interested in your Bleach DS, anything you want for it?

Your tradelist is better organized in my opinion than a lot of people's on here, heh. ^_~[/quote]

Haha, thanks, I'm still gonna go through and re-do it though :p

For Bleach DS, hmmm, I honestly couldn't find anything . I almost thought I saw Jump Ultimate Stars but then saw it was superstars, and I have that one already.
I'm actually only eyeing the KH2 Final Mix :D

I got a saturn system with a region switch on it, but I'm holding on to it for now ;)
I have a couple of imports for the Saturn:
  • Blue Seed
  • Shining Wisdom
  • Blue Breaker
  • Lunar Silver Star Story
  • Neon Genisis Evangelion
  • Neon Genisis Evangelion 2nd Impact
  • Slayers Royal
  • Real Bout Fatal Fury - 2 Disc - Complete (japan)
  • Dezamon 2 the shootermaker - Complete
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Sorry I don't get back to you man :/

I keep checking your TL but I can't find anything I'd like to trade for :/

I see some things that interest me, but it's only from your personal collection, and I don't think you'd trade out any of those I'm guessing.

i.e - From your list, I was looking at Xenosaga III, Brave Fencer Musashi, and Final Fantasy X.[/QUOTE]

hmm then how much for .hack Mutation w/ anime dvd and wild arms 2?
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Haha, thanks, I'm still gonna go through and re-do it though :p

For Bleach DS, hmmm, I honestly couldn't find anything . I almost thought I saw Jump Ultimate Stars but then saw it was superstars, and I have that one already.
I'm actually only eyeing the KH2 Final Mix :D

I got a saturn system with a region switch on it, but I'm holding on to it for now ;)
I have a couple of imports for the Saturn:
  • Blue Seed
  • Shining Wisdom
  • Blue Breaker
  • Lunar Silver Star Story
  • Neon Genisis Evangelion
  • Neon Genisis Evangelion 2nd Impact
  • Slayers Royal
  • Real Bout Fatal Fury - 2 Disc - Complete (japan)
  • Dezamon 2 the shootermaker - Complete
:O *wants your Lunar but has nothing to play it on!* Is it the same as the PSX release, or any different?
[quote name='Inf^Shini']@ nekobi: I'm still lookin' to trade for your KH2 Final Mix+, LMK if we can strike a deal :D[/quote]
Hmm, yeah I dunno... I don't really see anything else on your list I really want though. ^_^; Have any more import PSP games? ^^;
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Hahahaha. Hmmm....Persona 3, hhmmmmmmm lol. Oh, yeeesss, nocturne tooooo, mwaa haaa haaa.

Oh hey, that reminds me, didn't you say you could nab a Tales Of Destiny II?

Btw, I really need to clean up my TL. It's like my room, I'm comfortable in it, but if other people see it, they'll have a problem lol.[/quote]

haha sure sure, persona 3, nocturne huh?!
you have more chances on getting my non exsistent ToDII (btw, not sure if I can get it anymore - since that was about 1-2 months ago!! X_X why didn't you tell me you wanted it still!!???!!!)

however I do have tales of the abyss (brand new/sealed) = may be able to get the guide too.

anyhow forgot to mention i sent your stuff here's the dc# 04131797925045040638

where you able to send DJmax2?? :).
[quote name='guynextshore']haha sure sure, persona 3, nocturne huh?!
you have more chances on getting my non exsistent ToDII (btw, not sure if I can get it anymore - since that was about 1-2 months ago!! X_X why didn't you tell me you wanted it still!!???!!!)

however I do have tales of the abyss (brand new/sealed) = may be able to get the guide too.

anyhow forgot to mention i sent your stuff here's the dc# 04131797925045040638

where you able to send DJmax2?? :).[/quote]
Yea I got yours out too ;)


I actually shipped it on time! lol


As for edicttree, I got your stuff out as well.


[quote name='nekobi']Hmm, yeah I dunno... I don't really see anything else on your list I really want though. ^_^; Have any more import PSP games? ^^;[/quote]

Gah, all I have is my personal copy of DJ Max 2 :/
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Gah, all I have is my personal copy of DJ Max 2 :/[/quote]

Personal copy huh??!! :)......

haha SHINI shipping on time FTW!!!

hopefully both are packages will arrive today!
[quote name='guynextshore']Personal copy huh??!! :)......

haha SHINI shipping on time FTW!!!

hopefully both are packages will arrive today![/quote]
lol, you just cleaned me out of extra copies :booty:

We should get em' today :D
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Gah, all I have is my personal copy of DJ Max 2 :/[/quote]
I'd be interested in that...and lunar. :D Any chance of a trade there?
[quote name='nekobi']I'd be interested in that...and lunar. :D Any chance of a trade there?[/quote]

I'm holding onto DJ Max 2, it's the only import I have left now and I love playing it.

I can trade you lunar and DS Bleach or maybe somethin' else :eek:

How bout my Mushihimesama Figure?
Guess I'll have to resort to buying that game. Is it good btw? DJ Max 2? I haven't played the first but I love music games so I was gonna buy it. Is the music in Korean? *curious*
Hmm, I'll think about the Bleach & Lunar. It would suck to have to stare at that Lunar though and have nothing to play it on. :( You don't have any Bleach PSP games do you? I forget...@_@ Confused with all this lists i've checked... Or do you have We
[quote name='nekobi']Guess I'll have to resort to buying that game. Is it good btw? DJ Max 2? I haven't played the first but I love music games so I was gonna buy it. Is the music in Korean? *curious*
Hmm, I'll think about the Bleach & Lunar. It would suck to have to stare at that Lunar though and have nothing to play it on. :( You don't have any Bleach PSP games do you? I forget...@_@ Confused with all this lists i've checked... Or do you have We
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Nah, I don't collect any bleach cards.

I have the US version of Katamari for the PSP, I can trade that

Meh, that's why I wanna re-organize my list so it can be remembered easily -_-''[/quote]
Yeah, I have Katamari on the PSP, just need the 2 PS2 games. ^^; What about that ZOE: 2nd Runner?
[quote name='nekobi']Yeah, I have Katamari on the PSP, just need the 2 PS2 games. ^^; What about that ZOE: 2nd Runner?[/quote]

Oh, well I have the first Katamari Damacy for the PS2. I find it fun and hilarious when your able to get the ball to a gigantic size.

I'll think about ZOE 2nd Runner after I finish it. I got some other PS2 games to finish :joystick:
Come to think of it, I haven't even finished the 1st Xenosaga :/
Hi Hi Shini,
Just wondering if/when you sent the Disgaea games out? Let me know when you get a chance. Thanks! ^_^
Partially updated my list with my TWO BIG WANTS (imagine a huge voice bellowing out those three words everytime you see them in my thread ;) )

I removed some things from my list that I have already traded/sold/gotten rid of one way or another.

Help me get a Crisis Core PSP Bundle or Halo 3 edition costco bundle!!!

My TL is pretty messy so bear with me til' I clean it up ^^''
bread's done