Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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The 1070 is insane bang-for-buck for a $349-400 card - that thing's defeating the 980 Ti ($600-700 card) and Titan X (over $1000) in most benchmarks.

I certainly would be curious to see a 1060 card at some point, if NVidia decides to do one; would be interesting to see if they can find a way to make a $200-250 card top a 980 Ti or Titan X.

I need to upgrade my card but I want to figure out cooling my PC first. I don't know if some games are terrible at optimization but I have some games literally just max out my CPU for no reason. For example when Star Wars TOR came out, that game always maxed out my CPU and set my temps skyrocketing. TERA was another one. There are a few non MMO ones too but I can't think of off the top of my head.

That would be with nothing running either.

The 1070 is insane bang-for-buck for a $349-400 card - that thing's defeating the 980 Ti ($600-700 card) and Titan X (over $1000) in most benchmarks.

I certainly would be curious to see a 1060 card at some point, if NVidia decides to do one; would be interesting to see if they can find a way to make a $200-250 card top a 980 Ti or Titan X.
Imagine what the 1080 is going to do or the Titan Y!

I need to upgrade my card but I want to figure out cooling my PC first. I don't know if some games are terrible at optimization but I have some games literally just max out my CPU for no reason. For example when Star Wars TOR came out, that game always maxed out my CPU and set my temps skyrocketing. TERA was another one. There are a few non MMO ones too but I can't think of off the top of my head.

That would be with nothing running either.
What cooler are you using now for your CPU? And fans for your case? And how hot is your room? Do you live in India with no AC?

(and negged an innocent member for having sick family members?)
Now, to be fair, Lostnumber's cousin/brother/sister/trans-father-mother-thing/aunty/cat are not the most reliable of folk.

They the type to text you that they're sick and can't hangout, but you standin' behind 'em in the club. Probably not even sick.


At one point, I actually believed that Hitlercat would stop being so temperamental. Silly me. I am flummoxed as to why he would want to supplant one form of ignorance with another. I'll try to be a lot more specific and concrete when I explain that he has never disproved anything I've ever written. Hitlercat does, however, often try to discredit me by means of flagrant misquotations, by attributing to me views that I've never expressed. In the end, absolutism is an inherently oppressive ideology. I explained the reason for that just a moment ago. If you don't mind, though, I'll go ahead and explain it again. To begin with, if we don't put an end to delirious simplism right now, then Hitlercat's thread postings will soon start to spread through the site. Let us now commit to practices that build community and eliminate behaviors that work against what we are dedicated to building because in that is our only hope for the future of this community.
Ok, ignoring most of your verbal diarrhea since you're just unsuccessfully trying to look less of a dumbass.

Prove your point then ... if 1 x 1 = 2 then answer these simple math problems ...

1 x 2 = ?

2 x 2 = ?

EDIT: for extra credit

1 x 1 x 1 = ?

1 x 1 x 1 x 1 = ?

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Imagine what the 1080 is going to do or the Titan Y!

What cooler are you using now for your CPU? And fans for your case? And how hot is your room? Do you live in India with no AC?
I am using the stock intel cooler that came with my processor. Case fans I am not 100% sure, but they I believe are cooler master ones and I have two of them. My room usually ranges from around 65-75 degrees farenheight depending on the season.

I live in Pennsylvania but I have no AC. Although those high temps were in dead of winter where my room was about 65 degrees farenheight and the system was clean of dust. It just wasn't the cpu getting hot, it was getting hot because playing the game literally put all 4 cores to 100% even on everything turned down or off to lowest setting. Luckily it's a small small handful of games.

At one point, I actually believed that Hitlercat would stop being so temperamental. Silly me. I am flummoxed as to why he would want to supplant one form of ignorance with another. I'll try to be a lot more specific and concrete when I explain that he has never disproved anything I've ever written. Hitlercat does, however, often try to discredit me by means of flagrant misquotations, by attributing to me views that I've never expressed. In the end, absolutism is an inherently oppressive ideology. I explained the reason for that just a moment ago. If you don't mind, though, I'll go ahead and explain it again. To begin with, if we don't put an end to delirious simplism right now, then Hitlercat's thread postings will soon start to spread through the site. Let us now commit to practices that build community and eliminate behaviors that work against what we are dedicated to building because in that is our only hope for the future of this community.
I have long suggested we substitute movement for stagnation, purposive behavior for drifting, and visions of a great future for collective pettiness and discouragement. Richgamer, however, rejects this suggestion as a ginned-up effort to undermine his authority. To that I say, if I hear Richgamer's slaveys say, “There is something intellectually provocative in the tired rehashing of drugged-out stereotypes” one more time, I'm going to throw up. If you think that this is humorous or exaggerated, you're wrong. Inasmuch as I disagree with Richgamer's accusations and find his ad hominem attacks offensive, I am happy to meet Richgamer's speech with more speech and, if necessary, continue this discussion until the truth shines. As my mother used to tell me, “Richgamer has abandoned himself to the grossest pleasures and ungoverned fury.” Please pardon this brief divagation, but it's often hard to decipher his drossy comments. Obviously, Richgamer flees clarity whenever it involves unpleasant shouldering of responsibility, but I profess that in this case, in the midst of our mighty struggle to do everything humanly possible to allay the concerns of the many people who have been harmed by him, I have seen too many people stand on the sidelines and mouth pious irrelevancies and sanctimonious trivialities. I have watched too many people accept without challenge Richgamer's fatuitous claim that an open party with unlimited access to alcohol can't possibly outgrow the host's ability to manage the crowd. And I have observed too many people fail to realize that last summer, I attempted what I knew would be a hopeless task. I tried to convince Richgamer that he regards the exception as the rule, the criminal as the hero, the loser as the winner, and the winner as the oppressor. As I expected, Richgamer was thoroughly unconvinced.

I am using the stock intel cooler that came with my processor. Case fans I am not 100% sure, but they I believe are cooler master ones and I have two of them. My room usually ranges from around 65-75 degrees farenheight depending on the season.

I live in Pennsylvania but I have no AC. Although those high temps were in dead of winter where my room was about 65 degrees farenheight and the system was clean of dust. It just wasn't the cpu getting hot, it was getting hot because playing the game literally put all 4 cores to 100% even on everything turned down or off to lowest setting. Luckily it's a small small handful of games.
some games just do that. I.e. playin doom i get ~30% usage of a single core on my 6700k, playing civ V it goes up to almost 50% on 4 cores. And thats just sitting there in between turns with no calculations going on (or at least i wouldnt think so)

However, stock coolers suck, they just do, they arent really mean to handle sustained 100% load usage. They'll do it, but make alot of noise and temps will still be high while they do it

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The 1070 is insane bang-for-buck for a $349-400 card - that thing's defeating the 980 Ti ($600-700 card) and Titan X (over $1000) in most benchmarks.

I certainly would be curious to see a 1060 card at some point, if NVidia decides to do one; would be interesting to see if they can find a way to make a $200-250 card top a 980 Ti or Titan X.
Always the case with a new generation release. Volta GTX 2070 architecture will then get 20-30% increase in performance over Pascal 1080 once that release, while costing even less. :p

I have long suggested we substitute movement for stagnation, purposive behavior for drifting, and visions of a great future for collective pettiness and discouragement. Richgamer, however, rejects this suggestion as a ginned-up effort to undermine his authority. To that I say, if I hear Richgamer's slaveys say, “There is something intellectually provocative in the tired rehashing of drugged-out stereotypes” one more time, I'm going to throw up. If you think that this is humorous or exaggerated, you're wrong. Inasmuch as I disagree with Richgamer's accusations and find his ad hominem attacks offensive, I am happy to meet Richgamer's speech with more speech and, if necessary, continue this discussion until the truth shines. As my mother used to tell me, “Richgamer has abandoned himself to the grossest pleasures and ungoverned fury.” Please pardon this brief divagation, but it's often hard to decipher his drossy comments. Obviously, Richgamer flees clarity whenever it involves unpleasant shouldering of responsibility, but I profess that in this case, in the midst of our mighty struggle to do everything humanly possible to allay the concerns of the many people who have been harmed by him, I have seen too many people stand on the sidelines and mouth pious irrelevancies and sanctimonious trivialities. I have watched too many people accept without challenge Richgamer's fatuitous claim that an open party with unlimited access to alcohol can't possibly outgrow the host's ability to manage the crowd. And I have observed too many people fail to realize that last summer, I attempted what I knew would be a hopeless task. I tried to convince Richgamer that he regards the exception as the rule, the criminal as the hero, the loser as the winner, and the winner as the oppressor. As I expected, Richgamer was thoroughly unconvinced.
Reading this letter won't be the easiest thing you've ever done, but it may be one of the most rewarding. Here's the story: If Richgamer doesn't see anything wrong with bringing this battle to a fever pitch then perhaps he doesn't deserve all the support he's getting from us. I would never take a job working for him. Given his namby-pamby crotchets, who would want to? With an enormous expenditure of words, unclear in content and incomprehensible as to meaning, Richgamer frequently stammers an endless hodgepodge of phrases purportedly as witty as in reality they are hideous. Only linguacious rattlebrains can feel at home in this maze of reasoning and cull an “inner experience” from this dung heap of dirty gangsterism.

Richgamer owes us a big apology. So please permit me to appropriate and paraphrase something I once heard: “There is a special place in hell for those who impinge upon our daily lives.” I love hearing the claims of a snappish aretaloger who doesn't realize that he's a snappish aretaloger. As a case in point, consider Richgamer's claim that representative government is an outmoded system that should be replaced by a system of overt mandarinism. Such claims always make me laugh because, as we all know, Richgamer asserts that he knows 100% of everything 100% of the time. Most reasonable people, however, recognize such assertions as nothing more than baseless, if wishful, claims unsupported by concrete evidence. It may be unfashionable to say so and it may surprise a few of you out there, but as every grade-school student learns, it's not nice to glorify the things that everyone else execrates. Apparently, Richgamer missed that day in class. Otherwise, he'd know that on a television program last night I heard one of this country's top scientists conclude that “Permitting shambolic rotters to extend Richgamer's fifteen minutes of fame to fifteen months is tantamount to suicide.” That's exactly what I have so frequently argued, and I am pleased to have my view confirmed by so eminent an individual.

By comparing today to even ten years ago and projecting the course we're on, I'd say we're in for an even more puerile, oleaginous, and disorganized society, all thanks to Richgamer's canards. I've been trying to get Richgamer to admit that he defines “truth” as “whatever promotes exhibitionism”. Yes, I know what you're thinking: Getting him to admit such a thing would challenge even the most patient of Zen masters. Nevertheless, I claim that it's worth a try because whenever Richgamer wants to convince someone that the more paperasserie and bureaucracy we have to endure, the better, he turns instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish spurting out ink. These words and idioms are intended to distract the listener from noticing that there are two things we need to do right away. First, we need to create a tension in the mind so that individuals can rise from the bondage of myths and half-truths to the unfettered realm of creative analysis and objective appraisal. Second—and this is critical so get out your highlighter—we need to hammer out solutions on the anvil of discourse. Once those two things are accomplished we can finally start discussing how we are starting to witness the pot-valiant effects of Richgamer's campaigns of malice and malignity. If you find that fact distressing then you should help me weaken the critical links in Richgamer's nexus of inattentive cronyism. Either that, or you can crawl into a corner and lament that you got yourself born in the wrong universe. Don't expect your sobbing to do much good, however, because you don't have to say anything specifically about Richgamer for him to start attacking you. All you have to do is dare to imply that we should keep the lines of communication wide open. Ceterum censeo, it is our duty to our children and to their children and to our yet unborn posterity to disabuse Richgamer of the notion that education should teach the precepts of teetotalism and the duties of man towards execrable bludgers.

Here is an explanation... again:

"How can it equal one? If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what's the square root of two? Should be one, but we're told its two, and that cannot be."

I can't believe that mathematics have taught that 1 x 1 = 1 when it has always been wrong.

I haven't been keeping up with CAG too much in the past week or so, and I happen to see this of all things.

So what are the chances this guy lives in either Washington or Colorado? I bet it's 100%. No wait, 100% * 100%, so 200%.

Reviews aren't good for the new TMNT game by Platinum. A few tech issues, a few design issues with boss placement/difficulty, length is fairly short (6-10 hours) and it's locked at 30 FPS.
It's absolute shit. It's worse than Korra, and feels like it's by the same team. I posted about it in the PSN thread, not that anyone here will care anyways, cause it's not 75% off.

Last but not least:


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"You guys are close minded and need to learn to think for yourselves while I copy and paste other people's ideas off the internet in an attempt to be less of a dumbass" - richgamer

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And we're back! (The sites seems to have been down for some time this morning.)

I'm almost tempted to pick up Lightning returns from the SE deal Motoki posted, but I know I should just wait for the Summer sale. Has anybody actually played this train-wreck of a game and can comment on it's performance on PC?

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I'm almost tempted to pick up Lightning returns from the SE deal Motoki posted, but I know I should just wait for the Summer sale. Has anybody actually played this train-wreck of a game and can comment on it's performance on PC?
Ain't played LR: FF13 yet.

Can't speak on that.

If you're looking for LR: FF13 PC port analysis + performance:


Reddit Community's thoughts -

LR: FF13 has also been $10 on Steam before, according to ITAD:

So...if you maybe:

1. Ain't finished FF13-1 (like myself)

2. Ain't finished FF13-2 (like myself - hell, I ain't even started this)

3. Got any sort of Gaben Fun Bux in your Steam Wallet (from Gaben Card-selling Money, or bought some Steam gift cards at a better value than what you paid for it like often Fry's does and even BJ's has done, or whatever)...

...Well, maybe you might wanna until Summer Sale and see if it hits $10 again.


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The thing is, Square is super chintzy with the FF sales so I bet those games just go on the same damned 50% off sale on the Steam Summer Sale.

The ones some of us got at 75% we got at Newegg or Amazon but Square hasn't been putting the newer releases on those sites which drastically lowers the chances of a 75% off Sale.
The thing is, Square is super chintzy with the FF sales so I bet those games just go on the same damned 50% off sale on the Steam Summer Sale.
Yeah, I'd expect similar sales on Steam, since their FF games have been those prices before on there. I'd be fine w/ that, as I have Steam Gift Card Gaben Bux. :)

But, you're definitely right - Square doesn't budge much beyond 50% off with FF games, unlike what they do with most of their other franchises + titles.

This here right now is a direct sale from Square Enix - so, do you expect we'll get weaker sales on Steam (since Steam also takes around 30% of a sale normally) than what they're doing on their very own website?

UbiSoft seems to be the king of doing the weaker sales on Steam thing (and Ubi also have their own game-client) - so I'm surprised (and also glad right now) that many other big publishers still don't follow that suit.

Also cue & insert the usual + typical MysterD "This game series needs a killer Humble Bundle" response.

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Thanks for the links. I think I'll pray to Gaben and hope that it hits at least 50% off during the Summer sale. That Newegg FF sale was pretty fantastic. I wish they'd put some of their newer games on sale there.

When Vanquish and Bayonetta hit Steam. (i.e. never.)

However, the thought of a PC debut via Humble Bundle is the greatest and most unlikely thing ever.
Vanquish was awesome. Fun gameplay and unique mechanic with lots of explosion..

Bayonetta was way better than Devil May Cry reboot or even DMC4.

Too bad, the peasant-exclusive.. forever!

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Processor: Core i7 870 2.8GHz or better

Wait what... So an i5 wont work?
The Lynnfield i7-870 is 7 year old processor. A more recent generation i5 should do fine. An i5 from the Clarkdale/Lynnfield generation like the i5-655, maybe not. The four core Lynnfield i5s might work if overclocked but the Clarkdale i5s are two core so I'm guessing no.

I'm still running an i7-860 overclocked to 3.6GHz and it hasn't been an issue yet but one day I'm sure it will be. But, hey, you can do worse than getting 7-8 years out of a processor when you're gaming.

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Dragon Quest Heroes

Minimum Specs:

Processor: Core i7 870 2.8GHz or better

Wait what... So an i5 wont work?
Plenty of vids on Youtube benchmarking DQ:H on i5 set-ups.

Just search for it on Youtube.

Here's one that looks like it will go on an i5:

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Not to scare anyone into buying now, but I think D has a point though. Square might do some lame 30% off sale or some crap for the FF games. Unlike their Western stuff which they'll mark way the hell down in a hot minute they are really protective to not devalue their Japanese stuff and in particular the FF (and I guess now DQ) cash cows.

With the big Steam sales now enforcing one sale price for the entire duration it seems like a lot of publishers and developers aren't comfortable putting their games on deep discounts that long and the discounts on the whole were lesser since they've made that change.

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The Lynnfield i7-870 is 7 year old processor. A more recent generation i5 should do fine. An i5 from the Clarkdale/Lynnfield generation like the i5-655, maybe not. The four core Lynnfield i5s might work if overclocked but the Clarkdale i5s are two core so I'm guessing no.

I'm still running an i7-860 overclocked to 3.6GHz and it hasn't been an issue yet but one day I'm sure it will be. But, hey, you can do worse than getting 7-8 years out of a processor when you're gaming.
I miss the old days when you knew everything you needed to know about a processor by one single number that always just went up.

The Lynnfield i7-870 is 7 year old processor. A more recent generation i5 should do fine. An i5 from the Clarkdale/Lynnfield generation like the i5-655, maybe not. The four core Lynnfield i5s might work if overclocked but the Clarkdale i5s are two core so I'm guessing no.

I'm still running an i7-860 overclocked to 3.6GHz and it hasn't been an issue yet but one day I'm sure it will be. But, hey, you can do worse than getting 7-8 years out of a processor when you're gaming.
You know, I find it odd they (Square Enix) want a i7 for DQ:H as a minimum. Minimums are often what's tested, but not entirely accurate and reflect what the game will actually work + test well with. I've remembered having in the past processors weaker than what's been advertised as minimums for CPU's and they work just fine b/c I went + met every other important specs (i.e. GPU + RAM) - i.e. Enter The Matrix, Dragon Age: Origins + Max Payne 2 come to mind.

I'm still running a i7 950 on my desktop here. That processor along with Win 7 64-bit OS, 16GB DDR3 RAM and 4GB GTX 960, I'm getting 30FPS to 60FPS on High to Ultra at 1080p for most games. I could probably get more frames, if I dropped stuff to Medium - but, eh, I'm not picky on the 30FPS/60FPS debate. Never was, never will be. Right now for 1080p gaming at 30FPS/60FPS - I'm fine w/ this processor.

I'm normally not one to get hung up on the 30FPS/60FPS debate - but I'll take either as a cap, as long as it's solid + performs smooth (i.e. no crazy roller coaster-like framerate rises + drops). I'll force in between via MSI Afterburner (or any other program like that), if need be - if I find somewhere my framerate often sticks at; as a middle ground, 40FPS cap is fine for me, if I can get that as a stable and/or common framerate to be around.

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I miss the old days when you knew everything you needed to know about a processor by one single number that always just went up.
Amen. In this case though, the Sandy Bridge (and later) processors have four digits so if your i5 is an i5-XXXX then you're going to be in the clear for Dragon Quest.

The Lynnfield processors were in a weird place since the Sandy Bridge line was announced just as the Lynnfields came out and SB was released like 18 months later. So the Lynnfields were essentially obsolete the day they came out. Plus the Clarkdale/Lynnfield line needed an 1156 socket board so you couldn't even buy one expecting to upgrade to Sandy Bridge later. On the plus side, for a narrow window the Lynnfields were pretty cheap for a processor that is still largely capable today. I'm planning to upgrade soonish but the need to get a new board and memory with a new processor is making me wait until I actually need to upgrade.

You know, I find it odd they (Square Enix) want a i7 for DQ:H as a minimum.
Yeah, but the reality is that an i5 from the Sandy Bridge generation is probably at least as good as an i7 from the Lynnfield generation. So "wanting an i7" doesn't quite mean what it sounds like. An i5-2500k is about equivalent to the i7-870 they're looking for.

It does look bad in writing though to anyone who simply thinks in terms of i3 < i5 < i7 without regard for what family/generation the processor came from.

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Using a tool and sharing information is not the same as copy pasting. That's the whole point of the Internet. Auburn posted a Dragon Quest Heroes video - does that mean he's copy pasting something or is he sharing something? It's obvious.

Well, I did technically copy it right from MysterD's post. It looks like your argument backfired!

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I miss the old days when you knew everything you needed to know about a processor by one single number that always just went up.
Yeah, well - having more cores, hyperthreading, and other features on a CPU killed that.

I find the i5's vs. i7's very similar to the confusing GPU market + numbering scheme nowadays.

Sometimes, an i5 from a newer generation can out-perform an i7 from an older generation.

To make it really simple then: within an Intel CPU's generation - i5's are pretty good for that generation; while i7's are great and normally the best they feel that they can do within a particular generation (and often can be pricier).

More info here on i5's vs. i7's debate:

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I have an AMD FX-8120, I don't know how it compares to Intel, but for Dragon Quest Heroes it's fine. Compared to something like Dynasty Warriors, the stages are smaller, there are less enemies at once, and they're usually dumber (slimes and bats and skeleton dudes) so it's not very CPU intensive, I would think. That i7 whatever was probably the only thing they had in their office.

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Using a tool and sharing information is not the same as copy pasting. That's the whole point of the Internet. Auburn posted a Dragon Quest Heroes video - does that mean he's copy pasting something or is he sharing something? It's obvious.
Well, your whole 1x1 spiel was a copy and paste from the idiotic Terrence Howard interview:

See? Like this:


Not to interrupt, but I just wanted to copy/paste something real quick.

1. Hover over your avatar on the very top right of the site to see a drop-down menu

2. Click on "My Profile" in that menu

3. On this page, look to the far right of your avatar and click on the "Edit My Profile" button

4. In the left-side menu on this page, scroll down to "Ignore Preferences"

5. At the bottom of this page, there's a label saying "Add a new user to my list" followed by a text box

6. Input "richgamer" into that text box, then make sure all three boxes are checked

7. Click "Save Changes"

Voila, all of those annoying rants and nonsense "logic" posts disappear.

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bread's done