Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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i wonder, has anyone tried to make some sort of program to act as an aggregate for all the services. combine your steam, uplay, origin, gog, etc. logins into 1 big pile of digital goop?
It's called Windows.

You can make icons for all of these games & client-programs. ;)

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It's called Windows.

You can make icons for all of these games & client-programs. ;)
I think he means a client, that let's you sign into your Steam, Windows10, uPlay, Origin,, gog, desura and triton at the same time, so you can see your entire library on one client and download in them too and have your games auto-update without having to open all your clients

I think he means a client, that let's you sign into your Steam, Windows10, uPlay, Origin,, gog, desura and triton at the same time, so you can see your entire library on one client and download in them too and have your games auto-update without having to open all your clients
No crap, MysterD version 1.0.

My sarcasm and joking module got upgraded to version 1.5. ;)

Dishonored: Death of the Outsider is half price (£10) on Amazon UK for a physical copy.

If you want me to order you one, send me a PM.

It comes out Sept 15.

RIP the Destiny 2 beta, the game's looking really good, I'd purchase it if I get a deal at ~$40.
Did they really just run a beta the whole week but not on the weekend? (That's such an old way of doing things.)

I would likely buy at the same price... I'm not seeing anything really catching my eye on steamtrades Nvidia or eBay (not that I think I would go that route on this one) and sales just don't seem like they are happening...

I guess GMG had a 18% off code/sale the other day via email... Hopefully, it will come back around though I don't think 18% off will trigger a sale for me... It might change closer to release.

No crap, MysterD version 1.0.

My sarcasm and joking module got upgraded to version 1.5. ;)
I have seen no evidence of this. If you've indeed been upgraded, I think the update is buggy. You should roll back to v 1.0. Ain't nobody got time fo' early access MyD.

Humbly Septembery Bundly

Along with Killing Floor 2.....

Banner Saga 2

Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight

Worms: W.M.D.

Stories Untold



Volantia: Kingdom in The Sky

And next month is Rise Of The Tomb Raider

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Many of the Indie Box steelcases are also available through Gamestop.,138c-ffff2418-6

Edit: Where the hell do you use a Gamestop promo code? I can't find any place to add it.

Edit: Never mind, Gamestop won't process my order because of region locking BS.
Promo codes are on the first checkout screen under the powerup rewards box. But I think they killed the free shipping code anyway. $5 for Axiom Verge is a sweet deal.

Battlefield 4 won't get into my cart! Its just teasing me.

Edit: Oye, now its unavailable.

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That FREESHIPPING code didn't work, after I checked out with Paypal and everything. GameStop is awful.
Totally agreed. They still haven't figured out how to properly build an e-commerce site. Every time I attempt it, I run into some sort of issue with them at least since the Gat Out of Hell glitch. fuck them with rusty metal objects.

Thanks got Dragon Age and Cod I still dont understand activisions pc prices
Bobby Kotick understands his prices:


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That FREESHIPPING code didn't work, after I checked out with Paypal and everything. GameStop is awful.
Always has been awful, whether online or in the store.

At their stores: b/c they often gut their boxes out and throw this stuff in the drawer behind the counter or somewhere in their back rooms - who knows what could be missing inside on retail boxes. Maybe there's missing CD's, missing manuals inside, missing game-key pamphlets - hell, you never know. Always check before you leave the store.

If the game ain't tied to online service like Steam, Origin, Uplay, BNet, etc - then always make sure your disc ain't damaged, used, or whatever. Never know w/ GameStop. If it's tied to one of those services - eh, who cares about the disc, at that point, unless you got slow ISP, as long as the key works & activates.

GameStop even more so sucked when I just missed out on the Watch Dogs 2/Black Out Yeti Mic Bundle online for $40. Had it in the cart and the deal died when I was hitting Checkout on the cart. Major meh, major bleh.

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If you just missed that glitch then you weren't going to get it anyway, seeing as how most orders were cancelled. Being five minutes earlier wasn't going to help you.
Good thing it's a 3 day weekend. I'll probably need an extra day to take in everything from the big Twin Peaks finale.

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To add to the list:

Diablo 3 [base-game] = $5.97 **

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls [expansion] = $5.97 **

** These games require Battle.Net and you must be always-online to play.

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Yea its got the difficulty ramped up in places. Im on the Super Speedway zone or whatever its called. Metal Sonic is the boss, its easy to figure out how to beat him but timing it is rough.
I'm still stuck in the battery zone. I've been trying to pass the levels for a couple of days now.
Always has been awful, whether online or in the store.

At their stores: b/c they often gut their boxes out and throw this stuff in the drawer behind the counter or somewhere in their back rooms - who knows what could be missing inside on retail boxes. Maybe there's missing CD's, missing manuals inside, missing game-key pamphlets - hell, you never know. Always check before you leave the store.
This. I haven't tried to order something online from GameStop for ages, but when Wasteland 2 physical copies were clearanced out last year, I bought a couple for CAGs because I already had it. One was fine, but the other one (I got it at a different location), was missing the card with the Steam code for Wasteland 2. I had to explain to the clueless clerk when I returned it that the card with the Wasteland 1 code was actually for a different game altogether. Sometimes I'll pick up some of these clearanced items and they'll be sealed in the cases, because they don't gut boxes for PC stuff as routinely as they used to, but it still happens quite often.
... but when Wasteland 2 physical copies were clearanced out last year, I bought a couple for CAGs because I already had it. One was fine, but the other one (I got it at a different location), was missing the card with the Steam code for Wasteland 2....
Went to a specific Gamestop a few months back after seeing the online tracker say that they had Wasteland 2 in stock for $2. Found the box on the shelf but it was ripped open and there was nothing inside. Asked the clerk about it and he just acted dumbfounded. Between that and the glut of horror stories I've read about used PC keys (even with the Collector's Edition steel cases that are $5), I don't even bother checking anymore. I'm half expecting them to sell my SNES Classic pre-order before I pop in on the 29th to pick it up.

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My Song of the Deep for $0.97 and free two day shipping went out today.  Odd that it went seperately from Watchdogs, but hey, cost GS more money so I'm okay with that.

Welp, I could have used DA:I.  Funny enough I am playing Ghosts on PS3 now.  Diablo I also have on PS3 that I got really cheap, so that is somewhat tempting for PC.

Just asking a question that may interest some;  Is anyone interesting in trading cards for games that are no longer marketable i.e.  Are you smarter than a 5th grader, Cold Dreams, Wyatt Derp?  The cards for these games can be traded or turned into gems.  My thought was to make an excel spreadsheet that we could utilize to trade cards to craft badges.  

So, has anyone here played Song of the Deep? If so - how is it?

I just ain't got around to it. Damn backlogs.

I bought it a few months back, when it was 97 cents or what have you from my local GameStop along with a cheap copy of Beyond Civ Rising Tide DLC for around $4. And yes - the retail copy of Song comes w/ a Steam key.

Congrats to everybody getting cheap clearance copies of games online from GameStop or from their local GameStops.

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bread's done