Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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This is definetely the cheapest i've seen D3. Looks like ROS xpac is sold out though so look into price matching somewhere else.
D3 + RoS are a steal at this price.

RoS is a must-buy for an D3 player.

RoS adds Act 5 and Adventure Mode, which are really important to adding replay & content to the game.

That's not including Seasonal stuff that they do.

Loot 2.0 (free update for D3) really helped make loot-drops way more interesting for D3 and/or RoS.

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Derpablo 3 isn't bad but I get bored of it fast after returning every new 'season' or so.  I don't care enough about climbing Greater Rift ranks.

I still need to get back to Grim Dawn, at some point.

That ARPG was awesome, from what I played.

Damn other games get purchased, played, and in the way...of course.


That's still in my backlog

Nope. I watched Sopranos when it was on HBO.

Anyways, pretty good series, for the most part.

Last two seasons could've been...condensed.

And that ending, that was horrible for anyone looking for some kind of conclusion.


Everything was wrapped up in a nice little package. All loose ends were tied. The whole series makes sense now.
If you count S3E17 as the ending, yep - things got tied-up pretty nicely.

S3E18 felt more like a S4E1, TBH. We need more now, thanks to that ending...

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Nope. I watched Sopranos when it was on HBO.

Anyways, pretty good series, for the most part.

Last two seasons could've been...condensed.

And that ending, that was horrible for anyone looking for some kind of conclusion.
I was talking about myself, just using your name because of the recent discussion about Song of the Deep and trying to find a game like it that passed through your backlog.

I was talking about myself, just using your name because of the recent discussion about Song of the Deep and trying to find a game like it that passed through your backlog.
No crap, DD83 MysterD83.

I still wanted to talk about Sopranos though, since you brought that up.

Tangent-jumping and all.

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You can get a Samsung Evo 500gb ssd on the Samsung website for $130 plus tax with a student or business email, didn't really look at the other sizes but I think the 256gb was around $70 or $80. If the site I looked at was correct this is within a few dollars of its past 2 year low.

I've been wanting one for awhile and this was the lowest I've seen in the past couple months so I grabbed one, comes with a 5yr warranty too. Now I just need ram to get back to last year's prices which may never happen. I checked my order history on newegg and the ram I bought almost exactly 5 years ago is $35 more expensive right now.
I have been contemplating an overhaul of my system and apparently in the past 4 years I have stopped caring nearly as much about doing the homework necessary to properly purchase and then optimize a system.

I have been contemplating an overhaul of my system and apparently in the past 4 years I have stopped caring nearly as much about doing the homework necessary to properly purchase and then optimize a system.
I think I sort of drift away from hardware news... or I try too. If I don't I feel the desire to upgrade sooner.

I think I sort of drift away from hardware news... or I try too. If I don't I feel the desire to upgrade sooner.
I think right now, we're still in a very weird, transitional point in PC gaming (and console gaming too).

Right now, for both video cards & monitors: 1080p seems to be where most people are probably at & are happy with that standard. 2GB 1050's and 4GB 1050 Ti's just ain't that expensive ($100-200 range), TBH.

Some are now at 1440p here, as there are cards & monitors that can support it that ain't insanely expensive, for the enthusiast willing to drop some fair amount of $ ($200-400 range for the video card - i.e. 1060 cards and above).

Though, while some might have 4K monitors - but I'd guess very few have 4K capable video cards (i.e. $700 or so 11 GB GTX 1080 Ti).

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You can get a Samsung Evo 500gb ssd on the Samsung website for $130 plus tax with a student or business email, didn't really look at the other sizes but I think the 256gb was around $70 or $80. If the site I looked at was correct this is within a few dollars of its past 2 year low.

I've been wanting one for awhile and this was the lowest I've seen in the past couple months so I grabbed one, comes with a 5yr warranty too. Now I just need ram to get back to last year's prices which may never happen. I checked my order history on newegg and the ram I bought almost exactly 5 years ago is $35 more expensive right now.
RAM prices wont come down any time soon.

They (RAM companies) agreed to have "set" prices.

Rainbow Six Siege update drops tomorrow.  26GB (42GB if you use Ultra HD textures) so clear some hard drive space and unkink your data cords so all the internet can flow through them faster.  Supposedly the game will take up less HD space after it's all done but you need room for the patch itself first.

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Lessons in Gamer Math

Some guy on the Shadow of War development team died from cancer during production.  WB made a DLC of the guy as some Orc-Slayer NPC and is selling it for $5 on Steam.  They promise that $3.50 from each sale will go towards the guy's family.  People lose their shit about how WB is milking money off this dead guy.

Steam gets 30%, people.  $5 - 30% ($1.50) = $3.50.  WB is giving the family literally 100% of their proceeds after Steam gives them their cash.  But instead of learning how math works, people are going ape irate at how WB is a bunch of mercenary money-stealing assholes.

Yes, there's an end date (Dec 31, 2019) and they don't donate if you purchase from specific states.  Most likely due to state laws and tax reasons and not because WB said "fuck this guy's family, let's keep all that sweet Illinois money for ourselves".

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Speaking of RSS, this morning my wife told me I must have been in an exciting game since she heard me yelling "SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT" then giggling like a school girl.  

After being chased through a house by two suiciders (to Syntax's delight), we spent the better part of two hours trying to win a round of Terror Hunt on realistic difficulty.  We finally zeroed in on a technique involving Jimbo holing up in the cockpit of the plane using his drones to guide me, Syntax, and Volt through the plane and alert us of terrorists.  Even then, we only managed a win as I wildly fired my gun at the last two terrorists as the last man standing with like 28% health left.  Gotta love Fuze's 100 round clip.  

I got shot because I was laughing too hard at Fox tearing past me saying "Shit shit shit shit!" with two bombers in tow.  Also, Jimbo got teabagged by a White Mask at some point which was pretty good.

I'd be game to try more Realistic terror hunts since I felt they did help improve our teamwork.  Normal just turns into everyone doing their own thing but Realistic really demanded people work together.

Lessons in Gamer Math

Some guy on the Shadow of War development team died from cancer during production. WB made a DLC of the guy as some Orc-Slayer NPC and is selling it for $5 on Steam. They promise that $3.50 from each sale will go towards the guy's family. People lose their shit about how WB is milking money off this dead guy.

Steam gets 30%, people. $5 - 30% ($1.50) = $3.50. WB is giving the family literally 100% of their proceeds after Steam gives them their cash. But instead of learning how math works, people are going ape irate at how WB is a bunch of mercenary money-stealing assholes.

Yes, there's an end date (Dec 31, 2019) and they don't donate if you purchase from specific states. Most likely due to state laws and tax reasons and not because WB said "fuck this guy's family, let's keep all that sweet Illinois money for ourselves".

Some guy on the Shadow of War development team died from cancer during production.
Executive Producer, to be specific.

Yes, there's an end date (Dec 31, 2019) and they don't donate if you purchase from specific states.
International DLC sales also looks like they don't get donations to The Forgey Family, either.

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Lessons in Gamer Math

Some guy on the Shadow of War development team died from cancer during production. WB made a DLC of the guy as some Orc-Slayer NPC and is selling it for $5 on Steam. They promise that $3.50 from each sale will go towards the guy's family. People lose their shit about how WB is milking money off this dead guy.

Steam gets 30%, people. $5 - 30% ($1.50) = $3.50. WB is giving the family literally 100% of their proceeds after Steam gives them their cash. But instead of learning how math works, people are going ape irate at how WB is a bunch of mercenary money-stealing assholes.

Yes, there's an end date (Dec 31, 2019) and they don't donate if you purchase from specific states. Most likely due to state laws and tax reasons and not because WB said "fuck this guy's family, let's keep all that sweet Illinois money for ourselves".
No idea how much of the game's sales will come from the rest of the world and six states, but let's say half. Does selling the memorial DLC for full profit to half of your audience seem appropriate?

Allegedly they left out the excluded states in the press release as well. It's probably more down to carelessness/laziness than malice/greed, but the situation would seem to demand a little more care than WB have provided to date, and there hasn't been any response to any of the criticism that I've seen. Hopefully they work something out for the purchases that aren't eligible for donations, as the idea itself seems good.

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I think it's a great idea: immortalize a dude who was so important to them and put him in the game. Monolith obviously got this part right. If the game's great, this'll be even more awesome for Forgey to be tied to this in such a way, as such a NPC that's a helping bad-ass.

What stinks is: all the messy stuff surrounding this all.

It sucks that Forgey Family only is getting $3.50 of the $5, since Steam is taking their cut. It would be nice if Steam ponied-up the other $1.50 per DLC sale.

Would be cool if say International sales of the DLC went to the Forgey Family - so that stinks too, that it likely won't be.

Selling Forgey as DLC, makes it easy for WB to figure out "Okay, this DLC here - $3.50 from these sales are going to Forgey's Family" than say doing the math of "Okay, we sold X copies of SoW at $60 MSRP - so, X amount of this $60 sale goes to Forgey's Family."

But, I think most consumers might feel: "WB is already getting my usual MSRP $60, I don't wanna spend another $5 for a Day-1 DLC."

Some consumers might even feel, "If Forgey is so important, why isn't he already a part of the base-game automatically and already?"

Other consumers might do the usual, "I'll wait until GOTY Edition with everything is out" - since this game looks to be loaded with all kinds of $-DLC Practices, Micro-transactions in a SP-game, and things of that sort."

Maybe WB should've just sold SoW base for $54.99 MSRP and the DLC for $4.99. There's the usual $60 MSRP tag if they buy both - so gamers that like to pre-order, buy Day 1, buy Week 1, or whatever might say, "Ah, $60 is the usual amount I drop on a new title, I can buy the DLC."

If people really want to support Forgey Family, best option might be just to send $ via their own personal Donation Page.


It's probably more down to carelessness/laziness than malice/greed, but the situation would seem to demand a little more care than WB have provided to date, and there hasn't been any response to any of the criticism that I've seen. Hopefully they work something out for the purchases that aren't eligible for donations, as the idea itself seems good.
WB has a crummy track record on business practices, of late - especially on the PC side. MK9 came out very late to PC; MKX was ported horribly out-the-gate; MKX didn't get ALL DLC's and MKXL Edition until way later on PC; horrible technical port for Batman AK on PC; Batman AO was a mess upon release w/ bugs & performance issues; all of the Shadow of War SP Micro-transactions non-sense; WB with how their treat Youtubers & critics by not giving them early copies of games unless they adhere to their contract rules (don't show glitches, issues, praise the game, etc); etc etc - so, no matter WB's intentions, just like EA, they're just going to get called-out ASAP on something like this.

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Some consumers might even feel, "If Forgey is so important, why isn't he already a part of the base-game automatically and already?"
Some consumers are dipshits. There's no indication that he's super important or you need to have him.

Also, people are whining about the Dec 31, 2019 end date for the promotion as though the game won't be in a Complete Edition on Bundlestars for $6 by then.

Here's the Steam page description:

WB Games will donate to the Forgey family $3.50 from every purchase of the Forthog Orcslayer made from any 1 of the 50 United States or D.C. (but, excluding purchases made from AL, HI, IL, MA, MS and SC) through December 31, 2019. Void where prohibited by law. Your purchase is not tax deductible.

And this is for something that won't even release for over a month.  So I don't know how much "clearer" these internet trolls need things to be.  I'm pretty sure there's a logical reason for international purchases being excluded and I'm sure WB decided to still make the item available for international purchase because the trolls would complain if they weren't able to buy it.  Also, the idea of just taking $5 bucks from the game's price and giving it to the family is stupid.  People are hired as employees to work on the games and essentially giving a guy a huge chunk of the profit from a game just because they died makes no sense.  The way the DLC Is set up now, people can donate to the family if they wish and it seems a pretty generous/cool thing for them to do so people need to stop complaining. 

Honestly, people just want to piss and moan about DLC and this gives them the "noble" excuse of pretending that they're deeply offended and care more about some guy they've never heard of than the team of people who worked with him for years.
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Here's the Steam page description:

WB Games will donate to the Forgey family $3.50 from every purchase of the Forthog Orcslayer made from any 1 of the 50 United States or D.C. (but, excluding purchases made from AL, HI, IL, MA, MS and SC) through December 31, 2019. Void where prohibited by law. Your purchase is not tax deductible.
Not here:


Speaking of RSS, this morning my wife told me I must have been in an exciting game since she heard me yelling "SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT" then giggling like a school girl.

After being chased through a house by two suiciders (to Syntax's delight), we spent the better part of two hours trying to win a round of Terror Hunt on realistic difficulty. We finally zeroed in on a technique involving Jimbo holing up in the cockpit of the plane using his drones to guide me, Syntax, and Volt through the plane and alert us of terrorists. Even then, we only managed a win as I wildly fired my gun at the last two terrorists as the last man standing with like 28% health left. Gotta love Fuze's 100 round clip.
If we want to try that strategy again whoever wants to use Twitch should remember (myself included) that after identifying the bad guys to only shock them from behind. Often the baddy will turn around. That way when a teammate comes around the corner they won't get shot. I only started to get the hang of that towards the end.

Anyway, to take a break from the fake internet outrage, Adorama has the Samson G-Track USB Mic on sale for $49.99 if you follow this link:

Doesn't show up for that price if you just try to browse on the website (some sort of emailed deal or something like Newegg I guess).

The silver version has good reviews on Amazon:

Looks like their version of the Yeti.  Not quite $40 with Watchdogs 2, but looks like a solid deal for a USB mic.  

If we want to try that strategy again whoever wants to use Twitch should remember (myself included) that after identifying the bad guys to only shock them from behind. Often the baddy will turn around. That way when a teammate comes around the corner they won't get shot. I only started to get the hang of that towards the end.
Oh yeah, and let's not forget that if there are 3 enemies or less left and one of them is zeroed in on your drone, they won't come find you, but instead just keep near/chasing the drone. The elation of finally winning made me forget about that for a second.

WB should get in touch with Steam (and assumingly Xbox/PS) so that family can get the full $5

Sounds weird for Steam/Xbox/PS to profit off of monolith+consumers generosity

bread's done