The Fighting Game Thread - 7th edition

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SC III is fun... I'll be playing RE4 a lil' more... Anyone in the Vegas area? I live in San Diego but I'll be in town this weekend throwing a huge Tekken 5 and Soul Calibur III tournament at Anime Vegas...

Cervantes is a beast... as is Setsuka...
[quote name='Purple Flames']As far as SCIII is concerned, I'll hold off for either a price drop or a Gamecube release.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Kuma']Well its pretty muxh that or nothing[/QUOTE]

live isn't bad at all. vgm just doesn't have it.
[quote name='Apossum']live isn't bad at all. vgm just doesn't have it.[/QUOTE]

I agree, Live is good. It's just a matter of finding a game with little lag like any other online game. VGM had Live at least at one point. I played him on CvS 2 before.
Apossum, how many times do I have to tell you. YOUR OPINIONS ARE TRASH! NO ONE LIKES DOA! GTFO!

I had live for over a year, I'm never renewing that garbage.
[quote name='The VGM']Apossum, how many times do I have to tell you. YOUR OPINIONS ARE TRASH! NO ONE LIKES DOA! GTFO!


I liked DOA ever since I played it on the PS One. I was a nice change of pace from Tekken and Soul Blade. Now that I think about it, I think I have every version of DOA that came out in North America except DOA2 Hardcore. The worst fighter I think I ever played was Time Killers on the Genesis. It had no redeeming qualities. The moves were awful, the graphics were awful, the character design was awful. The only time I played it was on Sega Channel and I wouldn't be surprised if it contributed to Sega Channel's demise. It was that bad.
jyazu (last boss from kizuna encounter). looks like jyazu, gai, and sho hayate will be a team.

here's a first hand impressions from flytothesky from the cyberfanatix forum:

[quote name=' flytothesky']
KoF XI is out in Los Angeles
in Arcade Infinite in in Rholand Heights
good news for people who live near it =D

my impression of KoF XI

- the graphic is truly amazing, and animations has been changed or modified for many characters (such as K', his heat drive looks so dope now)
new characters also have very koo graphics, but really weird, funny, and sometimes annoying gestures....(ex. Oswald, he has this...really weird hand gestures that reminds me of power rangers....just like Captain Commando in Marvel Vs. Capcom....)

- system sounds very complicated at first, but is actually very easy to use, the new skill gauge fills up quite fast, whichs means u can pretty much super cancel everytime u wish (given that the chance to land a combo on a good player is usually not that easy, and not as often)

- beware of the new judging system, many new players arent used to it, basically this new and brilliant systems prevent players from turtling. As long as you can deal dmg and hits your opponent, the judgement gauge (or so i called it...) will lean toward ur way, and even wen you got lower health comparing to your opponent wen time over, you still win. (i won many matches this way tonite)

- still getting used to the different kind of shift..........saving shift is especially helpful, trapped by Iori in the corner? accidentally got hit by his combo? saving switch saves ur day! on the other hand, quick shift is ALOT harder than i imagined.........the timing is very strict and character based, so you might have to figure out a possible combo combination (for example, Iori + kyo) first b4 attempting quick switch.

- speeds seems slow at first, but is actually not that bad, the low jump pokes is extremly fast in this game, most character's light attacks have alot of prioity too, so its something you may have to watch out for (Iori, in particular). AB rolling has a slightly different timing than usual KoF games, the rolling timing here is a bit similar to Battle Coliseum (slow recovery with weird dodging property at the end)

- MAJOR MAJOR changes in combo-bility, moves property, and certain follow-ups for many characters.

- i have 13 winning streaks today, using K', Iori, and Benimaru. these guys are monsters, def. try them out first wen you get ur hands on this game for the first time.

- lastly, dream cancel is damn koo, and is VERY damaging, Iori canceling his Maiden Smasher into his LDM deals somewhere around 50-70% dmg, not to mention starting the combo from Scum Gale grab, sounds scary already huh?

- mid bosses are fairly easy, but last boss, yes like all u guys already know, is................i dun think i have to go into details =P
gotta give props to SNK of making these zomg ass pwning bosses.............its (and i thought Mukai in 2k3 and Goodman in Battle Colisuem is bad....)

i will fill u guys in with more later

good news indeed.
I feel like TIme Killers is good for some stupid multiplayer fun, although I'm just talking about MAME here and I'm sure I'd be less forgiving if I had actually paid for it. I had a match where I took one step forward and lopped the other guy's head clean off - that was the whole match! And then you get the vs. screen picture at the end with the head missing. Priceless... at least when you're up stupid-late and laughing at pretty much anything.

Oh yeah baby, finally got 68 wins in that DOA survival thingy. Today I'll try to get the rest of those rare items. Will this unlock the extra DOA 3 content too?
Got ahold of SC3...I like it so far, but I don't feel like any of the extras make up for live play. seriously, who cares about frame data in Soul calibur...maybe like 5 or 6 people on the face of the earth? DoA online proved it can be done, and there is room for improvement (like a manual choice of the match host would be nice.) That was a big cop out on Namco's part...but the extras are pretty sweet.

other than that, the game feels wayyy different. it's a lot tighter, for one thing. it's not as easy to run around like a fool and slash randomly, like you could in SC2.

[quote name='The VGM']Apossum, how many times do I have to tell you. YOUR OPINIONS ARE TRASH! NO ONE LIKES DOA! GTFO!

I had live for over a year, I'm never renewing that garbage.[/QUOTE]

try playing live with something better than a 56k connection, it's fun that way. jeez lil' wayne, u forget ur ritalin this morning lol

he worst fighter I think I ever played was Time Killers on the Genesis. It had no redeeming qualities. The moves were awful, the graphics were awful, the character design was awful. The only time I played it was on Sega Channel and I wouldn't be surprised if it contributed to Sega Channel's demise. It was that bad.

dude, you had the Sega channel? you lucky bastard.
The unofficial sequel to Time Killers, Bloodstorm, was actually a decent game for a few weeks. Once you figure out the secrets, it gets old.

Oh yeah baby, finally got 68 wins in that DOA survival thingy. Today I'll try to get the rest of those rare items. Will this unlock the extra DOA 3 content too?

nice! it unlocks everything in the game, including the DoAXBV CG gallery
[quote name='Apossum']try playing live with something better than a 56k connection, it's fun that way. jeez lil' wayne, u forget ur ritalin this morning lol[/QUOTE]

The fighters lag unless you're running T1. Jeez Appossum, did you forget basic grammar this afternoon?

By the way, stop calling me Lil' Wayne. It makes you look stupid.
[quote name='The VGM']The fighters lag unless you're running T1. Jeez Appossum, did you forget basic grammar this afternoon?

By the way, stop calling me Lil' Wayne. It makes you look stupid.[/QUOTE]

he's got a point. it's Weezy, bitch!
[quote name='Apossum']dude, you had the Sega channel? you lucky bastard.
The unofficial sequel to Time Killers, Bloodstorm, was actually a decent game for a few weeks. Once you figure out the secrets, it gets old.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it was one of the few times my little podunk area was ahead of the curve. It was actually pretty cool while it lasted. I don't remember playing any other fighters on it but they had lots of cool Japanese games that you could play.
[quote name='The VGM']The fighters lag unless you're running T1. Jeez Appossum, did you forget basic grammar this afternoon?

By the way, stop calling me Lil' Wayne. It makes you look stupid.[/QUOTE]

as a matter of fact I did.

I have comcast cable and it plays fine for the most part. can I call you "the Video Game Master" instead?
[quote name='Apossum']as a matter of fact I did.

I have comcast cable and it plays fine for the most part. can I call you "the Video Game Master" instead?[/QUOTE]

Call me teh pwnerer
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I liked DOA ever since I played it on the PS One. I was a nice change of pace from Tekken and Soul Blade. Now that I think about it, I think I have every version of DOA that came out in North America except DOA2 Hardcore. The worst fighter I think I ever played was Time Killers on the Genesis. It had no redeeming qualities. The moves were awful, the graphics were awful, the character design was awful. The only time I played it was on Sega Channel and I wouldn't be surprised if it contributed to Sega Channel's demise. It was that bad.[/QUOTE]

hahahaha!! Time Killers! what a god-awful game.
worst fighting game i ever played was Way of the Warrior for 3DO. i bought it so i forced myself to TRY to learn it and like it.
Savage Reign for my NeoGeoCD comes in at a close 2nd...that frustratingly horrible game made me break both my controllers! lol!
DoAU didn't prove anything.

There isn't even a serious amount of players in the game... they had the BIGGEST DOA tournament ever last weekend... wooping 20 something people...

And there are lots of people that care about frame data for fighting games. :)
See I don't know about all you guys but I like the idea of online fighters lag or not playing a human is just more fun then abusing ai for months. I like the idea of being able to play a real person with out driving 20 minutes to the arcade only to find no one playing what I wanna play that night. I can enjoy a good fighter vs the ai for about a year or so but with online play I could play the game for years.
Anyways enough of that. Who's everyone liking in SC3 so far? At the moment it's looking like I'm still a Kilik player although Tira seems like someone I could get pretty good with.
[quote name='jetfire76']hahahaha!! Time Killers! what a god-awful game.
worst fighting game i ever played was Way of the Warrior for 3DO. i bought it so i forced myself to TRY to learn it and like it.
Savage Reign for my NeoGeoCD comes in at a close 2nd...that frustratingly horrible game made me break both my controllers! lol![/QUOTE]

Im sure the load time didnt help
[quote name='MarkMan']I'm using Cervantes, Setsuka, and Zasalamel.

Cervantes is fucking CHEAP.[/QUOTE]
I really want to like Zasalamel as i find the character design appealing, that said he seems slower then hell and just doesn't get the job done for me. I may try and move back to Cervantes I used him in Soul Edge and SC1. Does Li Long play different from Maxi? I haven't unlocked him yet
[quote name='MarkMan']I'm using Cervantes, Setsuka, and Zasalamel.

Cervantes is fucking CHEAP.[/QUOTE]

bullshit! Cervantes owns. he's a zombie pirate, and we share the same name(last name in my case) so that automatically makes him the best character in soul calibur (and my favorite) :D
[quote name='WebSlinger69']Still talking about Soul Calibur i see. Any 2D fans in here?[/QUOTE]

Hell yeah. All I want in this world is more 2D fighters! Where is my Capcom All Stars? Not that pos fighting jam, but a compilation they spend some time and effort on. Where is my Capcom VS. SNK VS. GG? I think I'd die if I ever heard that was coming out.
[quote name='MarkMan']I'm using Cervantes, Setsuka, and Zasalamel.

Cervantes is fucking CHEAP.[/QUOTE]Your characters are cheap, cheap, cheap as hell :booty:

I'm sticking with Mitsu, although I can see how those top tier characters are labelled as such (T4 JIN).

Cervy with his iGDR, Sophie with her 8wr1_7A[A], Zasa with his 66B,B.

I hate Namco. :cry:
66BB with Z is good stuff... but the low part is punishable... do you know if the first hit is safe?

iGDR :)

Brief me on Sophie B:L!
[quote name='WebSlinger69']Still talking about Soul Calibur i see. Any 2D fans in here?[/QUOTE]

::raises hand::

I most play Third Strike and #Reload, but I love KOF as well. I'll start up '00/01 and 02/03 soon, whever I feel like breaking the seal on them =P
[quote name='B:L']Your characters are cheap, cheap, cheap as hell :booty:

I'm sticking with Mitsu, although I can see how those top tier characters are labelled as such (T4 JIN).

Cervy with his iGDR, Sophie with her 8wr1_7A[A], Zasa with his 66B,B.

I hate Namco. :cry:[/QUOTE]

I know this is like opening up Pandoras Box, but are there any tier lists yet *hides behind a wall*

BTW: Armor King has been confirmed for Tekken 5 DR, if anyone gives a shit
Ok I was at a friend's place last night and he had just gotten SCIII, so I decided to give it a shot. Gameplay-wise, it feels like a rehash of SCII. Nothing really overly impressed me about it at all. I know I'mm probably wrong about that, but that was just my initial reaction.

As far as the new characters go, I can tell I'm gonna be a fan of Zal-whateverthefuckhisnameis, Tira is gonna be a monster in the right hands, and I didn't get a real feel for the other new girl (the one with the parasol).

Now what would keep me coming back to the game is all of the unlockable stuff. I'm a sucker for any game that has tons of bonus stuff to get, and SCIII defintely isn't lacking in that department. I could tell this is a game that would keep me occupied for weeks.

Well that's what I got from the game. I'll definitely get it somewhere down the road.
Haven't posted in awhile thanks to Wilma. Anyways I did get SCIII a couple days ago. Like Purple Flames said it pretty much feels the same gameplay-wise, but that's a good thing. You know what they say, if it ain't broken don't fix it.

So far I'll say everything is great except the Stratagy Game mode. Kinda boring, I wish it just had the old Comquest Mode from SCII, but it's something new. And second they messed around with my favorite character, Cervantes. The took out his B,B,d+A, and this A+B combo. But the did add a couple sweet gun attacks. I really like the ground gun attack where he shots you up in the air.

I gonna start trainning with Setsuka, she looks really quick. I like the creat-a-player. If you add in the classes for creat-a-player it's kinda like a new character. Even though the Monk has nunchucks they really play nothing like Maxi.

EDIT- Here's a little pic of KOS-MOS from Xenosaga. I guess you can get the armor to create her in SCIII
just like rodimus... wilma took my time away from me for gaming purposes (grr!!!). Bitch of a hurricane! I had to wait a few extra days to pick up SCIII, and I was already waiting ever since it was announced (yes, I am a namco whore... most of my games are actually developed by them).

I really liek it so far, but I am having a hard time adjusting to some of the character changes. I liek them, but in due time I'll catch up. At least it seems asteroth hasn't changed much, so I'm good there. Some character I neever use to play are more enjoyable now for me. I may start usig Lizardman often, and even pick up Tira, wich is a little odd for me since I play mostly power characters.

The create-a-soul (like mortal kombat where everything starts with a "k", soul calibur has the word "soul" attached to everything... soon expect ne sneakers from them with "soul-soles") is probably the best character creation tool i've seen in a while, even without the ability to change body part sizes. I've made some characters I am damn proud of and some I am not (as in Mr. Touch, the dancer who runs around in his cape and underwear). Most of the movesets feel veyr fleshed out and add alot more... the personalitys also are a huge plus... especially the theif+dagger=bastard.

This is going to keep me busy for a while, since I am also an unlockable whore also... the more to unlock the more I invest time into it.

oh... and so far I've beet the chronicles of the sword mode... pain in the ass.

moving on: anything interesting happen here that us Floridians should know about?

Also, I am currently (and finally) good competition with Kazuya in T5. I've been able to defeat the top player in my area numerouse times (as well as loose), and I still cant do EWGF accurately :mad:

I really want to play Dragonav in T5-DR, but I hope namco changes their minds on if or if not porting it to PS2. Does anyone know who the two other new characters other than Dragonav and Lili are? my hunch is at least Devil Kazuya and Ogre
Rolento - "Chronicles of the Sword" isn't very fun. I'm not far into it but I guess I'm gonna play through it since it's a great way to unlock stuff. I've played a couple stratagy games in my time (Vandal Hearts) but for the most part I don't like them. Anyone else fell the same?
I don't know if it was mentioned earlier but a demo disc comes with SCIII. Not to many fighting games are worth the $50 price tag but this one has a ton of stuff so I don't feel too guilty.
[quote name='rolento']even without the ability to change body part sizes.[/quote]
dude, I made Ayane. but. it wasn't ayane. :whistle2:(

Anyone else think SC3 might be the best looking game out for any system right now? They say DoA:U is the best looking fighter, but I dunno......SC3 is freaking gorgeous. Of course, nothing looks better than the Tengu fight in Ultimate (where he changes the seasons) but I think SC3 looks much better in general.
btw, where can I get a cheap Magicbox Ps2 to Xbox converter? can't find them anywhere...
[quote name='evanft']God I want SC3 so bad. :([/QUOTE]

Then buy it.

[quote name='Apossum']Anyone else think SC3 might be the best looking game out for any system right now? [/QUOTE]

RE4 for the win.
[quote name='Apossum']Anyone else think SC3 might be the best looking game out for any system right now? They say DoA:U is the best looking fighter, but I dunno......SC3 is freaking gorgeous. Of course, nothing looks better than the Tengu fight in Ultimate (where he changes the seasons) but I think SC3 looks much better in general.[/QUOTE]

It didn't impress me.
[quote name='The VGM']Is it because the girls have boobs?


I don't even remember seeing any female characters in the short time I played the demo. :lol:

I guess it looks pretty much great for a PS2 game, but that doesn't really mean much.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I don't even remember seeing any female characters in the short time I played the demo. :lol:

I guess it looks pretty much great for a PS2 game, but that doesn't really mean much.[/QUOTE]

I heard the demo is penis compared to the game. But that's just what I heard.
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