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  1. Deiji

    So Contact is out right now!

    When you go to sleep to save your game, keep rubbing on Mochi's stomach after you make him roll over. Each time you do that, Mochi's Decal becomes more and more useful.
  2. Deiji

    So Contact is out right now!

    In all honesty, I'm just looking for the second-to-last person in the cave.
  3. Deiji

    So Contact is out right now!

    Would someone mind telling me where all the friends are located on WiFiIsland? I can't seem to find one.
  4. Deiji

    Contact Friend Code Thread

    If I'm not mistaken, I do believe that you have to add someone to your friend code list. Though I may be wrong, it never hurts to try it out.
  5. Deiji

    Contact Friend Code Thread

    Mine is 2663 7103 1229 and my AIM S/N is slaynwilder3, so just IM me when you're about to get on.
  6. Deiji

    Objection!! -For the Phoenix Wright fans-

    It made me XD.
  7. Deiji

    Objection!! -For the Phoenix Wright fans-

    A new one I made:
  8. Deiji

    So Contact is out right now!

    Ah ok. Would've been interesting to see what else Atlus would have thrown in.
  9. Deiji

    Objection!! -For the Phoenix Wright fans- I just made that one. Post some of your own and see if we can get something started here.
  10. Deiji

    Objection!! -For the Phoenix Wright fans-

    I wasn't sure if anyone had found it so I'm gonna post it here: Bascially it goes like this: 1) Visit the site 2) Time in something 3) ???? 4) OBJECTION!!~
  11. Deiji

    So Contact is out right now!

    Wait, there's a good ending?! How do you get it, if ya don't mind me asking?
  12. Deiji

    Did you vote today?

    Wow I just realized I spelled it like that... Granted I don't think I'd be able to vote if I were in the Secret Service since I'd prolly have let a few politicians die. I dislike politics. Not sure why, but I just do.
  13. Deiji

    I'm bored lets talk RPGs

    I'm also going to be borrowing FF12 from a friend once he beats it. As far as DS games go for you craven, I say you should get Contact due to it's Atlus-ness.
  14. Deiji

    Did you vote today?

    Question: I heard that when you sign up for the Secret Service, which is something you have to do, that you're registering to vote at the same time. Is that true, or do you have to do it another way?
  15. Deiji

    College; paying someone else to teach yourself.

    I recently had a friend who graduated from college as an engineer. The college he graduated from is accredited for its engineers, yet he does not work in his field. Actually, he still works at a Chik-Fil-A as a manager. Things like this make me wonder the chances of being able to work in one's...
  16. Deiji

    Things you miss form your childhood?

    Unless your parents wanted you to be straight instead of gay. Then that's a whole new ballpark.
  17. Deiji

    Things you miss form your childhood?

    I miss that show... :cry:
  18. Deiji

    Things you miss form your childhood?

    Watching a block of cartoons on Saturday mornings, talking to friends about them, and getting the FOX! Kids magazines in the mail.
  19. Deiji

    That MP3 thing at EBGames

    You're probably right with that one since WiFi takes a kick out of the DS battery, I hear. Thanks for the input though. I'll have to see about some offers in the area once I get my first paycheck.
  20. Deiji

    So Contact is out right now!

    I just beat the game last night and was wondering what optional things that I could do. Any suggestions?
bread's done