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  1. Tron72

    The GameQuest Direct Reprints Thread - Fatal Frame 2 & 3 (PS2) Confirmed - FF2 $30 AC

    Gamecube Resident Evil Code Veronica Beyond Good and Evil Any thing else i can think of has been mention all ready.
  2. Tron72

    if you could go back in time what would you buy!!

    Discs Of Tron cab or the original Tron arcade game. I've seen, what they go for now and i wish i could have gotten one back then.
  3. Tron72

    Sega CD: Any good games to warrant a purchase?

    Keio The Flying Sqaudron just keep in mind it's pricy these days.
  4. Tron72

    Taito Legend 2 (PS2 Only) coming soon!

    Glad a publisher finally came through for a U.S release. I know i want it for the legend of kage among others.
  5. Tron72

    super mario lost levels not famicon

    Sounds like a bootleg to me. The official release of it was for the famicom disk system. Beside it being on the, GBA import only and Mario All Stars for the SNES.
  6. Tron72

    What's the last ancient game you popped in and were impressed by?

    Famicom Zanac Guardian Legend I did play these a while ago and they still play well today. Man it's a shame compile went out of buisness a few years ago.
  7. Tron72

    System Update Available-Opera Updated

    It is a improvement over the beta version of Oprea. Still it you can't use it to watch any videos at gametrailers :bomb: I am gonna keep it on my wii though it's great for surfing the web with, it when i don't feel like messing with my pc.
  8. Tron72

    How do you currently get your NES fix?

    Famicom AV nuff said :bouncy:
  9. Tron72

    Component cables...

    I'd pick up one for my PS2 last week from circuit city. Some games looks great while others were kind of weak. Still i found the picture quality to be better then when i was useing composite. So i'll say thumbs up in my book.
  10. Tron72

    Anyone own a Neo-Geo System

    I own a NeoGeo MVS 2-slot wich is consolized so i can run it on the tv.
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