Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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The mechanical keyboard I'm using (Corsair STRAFE RGB MX Silent) is very quiet. It's decent enough to use, but the build quality is absolute shit. The keycaps started wearing out on me 2-3 months in, and now my WASD keys look like crap after about a year of owning it. Expected more from Corsair, but it's probably one of the best mech keyboards if you want something that doesn't make much noise.
I've always been a diehard Corsair fan but their first iterations of all these mice, keyboards, and even some case towers have been absolute shite. I bought one of their first M80 mouses a few years ago and it fell apart after 3 months of SWTOR. They are also still new to the keyboard business. Somehow I still like the name brand though so there must be something wrong with me. We really shouldn't be buying any of these Corsair gaming peripherals and just stick to the power supplies, RAM, and whatnot.

Branding is strong.

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The mechanical keyboard I'm using (Corsair STRAFE RGB MX Silent) is very quiet. It's decent enough to use, but the build quality is absolute shit. The keycaps started wearing out on me 2-3 months in, and now my WASD keys look like crap after about a year of owning it. Expected more from Corsair, but it's probably one of the best mech keyboards if you want something that doesn't make much noise.
Another Strafe RGB Silent owner here. Had it for over a year now and fortunately I haven't experienced any kind of wear and tear on the keycaps. Were you using the textured WASD ones that they include in the box? I've never touched those personally and the standard caps have held up fine after a lot of use. I'd consider shooting Corsair an e-mail about the issue; they'll probably send you a full set of keycaps at no cost.

And I agree on the silence. Very quiet, comfortable to use. Never thought I'd give a damn about RGB lighting but now I don't think I could live without it.

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Another Strafe RGB Silent owner here. Had it for over a year now and fortunately I haven't experienced any kind of wear and tear on the keycaps. Were you using the textured WASD ones that they include in the box? I've never touched those personally and the standard caps have held up fine after a lot of use. I'd consider shooting Corsair an e-mail about the issue; they'll probably send you a full set of keycaps at no cost.

And I agree on the silence. Very quiet, comfortable to use. Never thought I'd give a damn about RGB lighting but now I don't think I could live without it.
No, I don't use the textured keycaps. I have seen pics online of the textured ones having the same issue though. Not sure if there's much point of me getting new keycaps, pretty sure all of my keys will eventually be affected overtime (unless by full set you mean they can send a 100% complete set of keys lol). A few other letters are affected, along with the spacebar, but they're not as noticeable, I assume that's because I use WASD far more than other keys. It's a common issue if you google it, and I have a friend with the same problem.

EDIT: Now that I think about it I might be better off RMAing the whole keyboard rather than going through the hassle of trying to replace all of the caps

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Have you guys seen the new "elite" Logitech peripherals showing up in Best Buys and other stores this season?  Good god they are selling $150 gaming mice and $200 keyboards now.  Corsair too.  Shit is out of control. 

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Games have too much DLC these days.

Since people keep talking about keyboards, I mainly use a shitty membrane Kensington because I'm used to using a certain "Shift"/"Enter"/"\"/"Backspace" layout that is impossible to find.

It's got a full size Backspace, big Enter key, a slightly smaller right Shift, and the \ key to the right of the right Shift.

You can see the layout in the pics from this old Woot deal where I got a case of them.

Is tales zestiria worth a 12.50$ purchase? It's 75% off but will probably get a price cut eventually
I would say yes, but my opinion might be a little bit biased, providing you haven't played Berseria.

About price cuts... well it's namco, I wouldn't count on it soon. Eventually, yes.. but it will take a long time tho

Dollar Regret Bundle

50 games for $1. There's a bunch of decent games and a loooooooooooooooot of crap. A bunch of these are also on GOG, but they're published by a different company.

Apparently the GOG publisher is related to Funbox in some way (they post Funbox's stuff on Facebook) so... there's maybe a chance of a future GOG Connect? Who knows.

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Same for the most part. Lost power twice. It went down on Sunday night about 7, but they surprisingly got it back on 2 hours later, but lost it for another 12-16 hours around midnight. Damage wise was nothing crazy, a few trees locally and debris but not a big deal. The only negative was we lost our local node for cable/internet and that was out til this morning.

The night of the storm my wife and daughter went to bed and I stayed up with the dog cause she was a bit crazy. Our max was probably category 1 gusts but it was a really incredible thing to witness I don't mean this as a positive. I've been in a few tropical storms before but the power of this one was something else. We're lucky it wasnt even more powerful. The way our place is built I was able to sit on the balcony during the most extreme points while the power was out with a drink and was watching transformers explode in the distance. It would gust like crazy for a few minutes and then sustain, and when it gusted was when they were popping off, big purple, greenish flashes every few minutes. It was like a hellish fourth of july.

Harvey fucked up Houston so hard because the storm literally parked its ass over the area. Irma dumped 17T gallons on the SE. Harvey dumped 20T on Houston alone. This storm was in and out quickly for the most part. It hit me Sunday night into Monday but we had sun by Monday late afternoon.
My sister in law got 52 inches of rain from Harvey.
So here's a thing.

I went to my local comic shop today to pick up my comics.  They had free download codes on the counter for Batman: The Telltale Series - The Enemy Within.  Steam keys.

I kind of assumed it would only be the first episode.  It looks like it activated the full game, although I'm not really sure if there's a way to check.

May be worth checking out if you have a comic shop in your area. I'll grab another if they still have them next time I go in, but I'm not enough of a dick to take more than one.

Finished off the main story of Wildlands today. Heres some stats for just the "base game". I completed all the Buchons and Underbosses. I mention this because it gives you an opportunity to end the story sooner without having to wipe out the entire cartel. An easy way to sum it up is its very GTA-ish in the way of controls and the open world aspect, but you cant mow down civvies :D

47 hours, 2300 kills :D, there's 105 main story missions in the game adding in the side missions there's probably 200+ missions but I didnt do that many.

Some of the aspects of the game I really liked: The map is incredible. Its humongous and has a wide variety of terrain, jungles, forests, mountains, basically everything but big cities although there are a few bigger towns that are good for "urban" fighting. It ran like a dream for me, although it was a bit wonky when I first started on my 970. Once I started playing it on the 1080 it was 60+ the entire time.  I was able to complete the main story completely solo, albeit I was stuck with 3 AI mooks the entire time. They helped fairly well and if they got dropped, it didnt end the mission.

Eh: Way too many samey side missions. These are mostly rebel ops and supply missions. They're monotonous and theres tons of them. I only did them when I wanted to get enough crap to upgrade particular crap. Sometimes they can be fun.

Didn't like: The AI really annoyed me at times but it was more NPC AI than the main squad. There was one mission where I had to go rescue a guy from jail and I broke the lock to the cell after perfectly stealthing my way to him and the fucker just runs like a chicken with his head cut off right into the big batch of enemies on the other side of the base. I had to re-run it cause he got killed and I shot the lock this time and he didnt run off like a maniac. There were other times where people would jump in front of my vehicle for no reason and sometimes an enemy would shoot at a wall. The enemies say the same crap everytime too. 

Overall, I thought the main story was pretty much generic, but I still was interested in getting to the end and finding out what happens. 

I'm going to try the Fallen Ghosts DLC next as thats supposed to be really good and is a whole other campaign, but the base game definitely is worth it if you like open world games. 

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Old worthless key drop time:

Shadow Complex: Epic - 7VUMU-A3WZ5-XB86D-RCKDZ

Todoist Premium 1 Year: 37C12KF7P1AMUCE8

Battleborn Skin & Currency:



Steam Keys:

Bloodbath Kavkazazkazazk




Russian Horror Story


So here's a thing.

I went to my local comic shop today to pick up my comics. They had free download codes on the counter for Batman: The Telltale Series - The Enemy Within. Steam keys.

I kind of assumed it would only be the first episode. It looks like it activated the full game, although I'm not really sure if there's a way to check.

May be worth checking out if you have a comic shop in your area. I'll grab another if they still have them next time I go in, but I'm not enough of a dick to take more than one.
Update: Installed the game, says the Season Pass is purchased.

Here's a picture of the card - code was on the back. Possible this is supposed to be a Batman Day (September 23) promotion.

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COD WWII Open Beta on PC Sept 29 - Oct 2

Its getting positive feedback so may have to check it out. Not enjoyed a MP COD game since MW on 360 lol
My main issue with the CoD pc is the lack of players after launch.
I still can find people still playing MW2/black ops on the 360 with a higher player count compared to empty lobbies on the pc.

My main issue with the CoD pc is the lack of players after launch.
I still can find people still playing MW2/black ops on the 360 with a higher player count compared to empty lobbies on the pc.

I enjoyed blops3, and I believe its still easy to find matches for that. But when a COD game tanks on pc, it really tanks, good luck finding matches on any other recent COD. My other problem with it is their season passes. No one buys the season pass on pc, I learned that on blops3. So while I still will probably get codww2 its going to be a super hard sell to buy the SP when no one plays any of the maps

Okay, so I tried to solo the KF2 weekly again and got to Hans Volter before failing miserably.

Also put an hour into Crossout. Surprisingly fun and competent for a F2P. Sort of hit a wall trying to level from 4 to 5 though, a bunch of overpowered/unbalanced teams. Mine said some of the modes were locked for two hours so don't know if that'll be an issue.
Okay, so I tried to solo the KF2 weekly again and got to Hans Volter before failing miserably.

Also put an hour into Crossout. Surprisingly fun and competent for a F2P. Sort of hit a wall trying to level from 4 to 5 though, a bunch of overpowered/unbalanced teams. Mine said some of the modes were locked for two hours so don't know if that'll be an issue.
I will now never like Crossout because it's not a crossword based squad shooter. Damn you, Syntax.

I would say anything under $20 is pretty good bet. By time I finished it I was ready for it to be over but had enjoyed my time with the game.
20$ is not a great price for Zestiria. Berseria is much better for that price so I would just buy Berseria instead. I know it haven't reached that price yet, but its very close to it.

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Finished off the main story of Wildlands today. Heres some stats for just the "base game". I completed all the Buchons and Underbosses. I mention this because it gives you an opportunity to end the story sooner without having to wipe out the entire cartel. An easy way to sum it up is its very GTA-ish in the way of controls and the open world aspect, but you cant mow down civvies :D

47 hours, 2300 kills :D, there's 105 main story missions in the game adding in the side missions there's probably 200+ missions but I didnt do that many.

Some of the aspects of the game I really liked: The map is incredible. Its humongous and has a wide variety of terrain, jungles, forests, mountains, basically everything but big cities although there are a few bigger towns that are good for "urban" fighting. It ran like a dream for me, although it was a bit wonky when I first started on my 970. Once I started playing it on the 1080 it was 60+ the entire time. I was able to complete the main story completely solo, albeit I was stuck with 3 AI mooks the entire time. They helped fairly well and if they got dropped, it didnt end the mission.

Eh: Way too many samey side missions. These are mostly rebel ops and supply missions. They're monotonous and theres tons of them. I only did them when I wanted to get enough crap to upgrade particular crap. Sometimes they can be fun.

Didn't like: The AI really annoyed me at times but it was more NPC AI than the main squad. There was one mission where I had to go rescue a guy from jail and I broke the lock to the cell after perfectly stealthing my way to him and the fucker just runs like a chicken with his head cut off right into the big batch of enemies on the other side of the base. I had to re-run it cause he got killed and I shot the lock this time and he didnt run off like a maniac. There were other times where people would jump in front of my vehicle for no reason and sometimes an enemy would shoot at a wall. The enemies say the same crap everytime too.

Overall, I thought the main story was pretty much generic, but I still was interested in getting to the end and finding out what happens.

I'm going to try the Fallen Ghosts DLC next as thats supposed to be really good and is a whole other campaign, but the base game definitely is worth it if you like open world games.
I had about 91 hours when I finished the campaign.... but I did every side mission, collectable, weapons and attachments.

You did do the finial mission twice, right? It has two endings even if you "hundred percent" it before doing the last mission.

The story was good, generic in most places but not entirely, the presentation was freaking amazing.
20$ is not a great price for Zestiria. Berseria is much better for that price so I would just buy Berseria instead. I know it haven't reached that price yet, but its very close to it.
Not quite sure why people are excited about paying non-bundle prices for either of these; one was in a bundle about six months ago so the other probably can't be far behind. The only thing that interests me here really is Ridge Racer and one or two of the Pac-Man games, but given Bandai Namco's propensity to throw things into Humbles, I'd just as soon wait.
Note to the Tremorbros. The Adgate tab has those 44 coin insurance offers available again. I just did 37 of them to wrack up 1628 coins in about three minutes. It might take a minute or two for them to credit, but they do credit.

Note to the Tremorbros. The Adgate tab has those 44 coin insurance offers available again. I just did 37 of them to wrack up 1628 coins in about three minutes. It might take a minute or two for them to credit, but they do credit.
Thanks, I managed to get 26 of them. Not as many as you, but got me 1.1k coins. I must've gotten banned from Supersonic/Supersonic brand offers so I have to rely on the Adgate ones now.

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I had about 91 hours when I finished the campaign.... but I did every side mission, collectable, weapons and attachments.

You did do the finial mission twice, right? It has two endings even if you "hundred percent" it before doing the last mission.

The story was good, generic in most places but not entirely, the presentation was freaking amazing.
Yea, I did it twice. I preferred the alternate. It made more sense.

Yea, I did it twice. I preferred the alternate. It made more sense.
Alternate as in second, right?

I like the second one better. (I've seen some refer to it as the true ending.)

What was your go to weapons? (Mine was HT1 (sniper) and the MK17 assault rifle.)

I sort of always wanted to run a shotgun or SMG but in a solo play I always found myself not really close enough for that sort of playstyle.

My playstyle ended up being Ranger.
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Might have to finally cave on Divinity Original Sin, figured it was prime monthly material but it still hasn't had much of a decent sale. With D:OS2 looking great might have to grab the first or both this christmas.
Might have to finally cave on Divinity Original Sin, figured it was prime monthly material but it still hasn't had much of a decent sale. With D:OS2 looking great might have to grab the first or both this christmas.
I loved the first one. Will start up with some new characters this weekend on 2. Great company and fun game.

Alternate as in second, right?

I like the second one better. (I've seen some refer to it as the true ending.)

What was your go to weapons? (Mine was HT1 (sniper) and the MK17 assault rifle.)

I sort of always wanted to run a shotgun or SMG but in a solo play I always found myself not really close enough for that sort of playstyle.

My playstyle ended up being Ranger.
Ranger as well, yea the 2nd ending. The regular ending just seemed too far fetched for that character.

Go to was/is G36C for assault rifle and the MSR.

Note to the Tremorbros. The Adgate tab has those 44 coin insurance offers available again. I just did 37 of them to wrack up 1628 coins in about three minutes. It might take a minute or two for them to credit, but they do credit.
Do you just have to click or enter info?

re: Bronight:

Last night we played Crossout which has the potential to be fun, but since it's locked behind the F2P grindwall, it isn't. You only get so much gas/credit per day or week to do raids or other funner stuff (which is still difficult) and so then after that you have to do PvP which ends up being against OP'd people who have been playing it forever and sucks all the fun out of it. If they could figure out how to balance it or if you want to invest some time into it to level up, it has potential and is a novel game.

Then we switched to KF2 where Syntax promised me my Hans Volter backpack and failed miserably. I think we played for two or three hours. I'm not saying Syntax is a liar when he said he beat Hans Volter on solo the first time. I'm not saying Syntax wasn't trying last night. Maybe he had a bad night? I don't know. Even DFG couldn't save us.

Then I switched to Six Siege where it took me 1.5 hours to win 3 terrorist hunts with IQ for some random weekly (GSG9). One time it was down to the last 3 terrorists. I had 13% health. I took two down as they rushed me, but one flashbanged me, blinded me, and the last one came in and shot me when I couldn't see. I blame Syntax.

Tonight is the usual BF1.

Do you just have to click or enter info?

re: Bronight:

Last night we played Crossout which has the potential to be fun, but since it's locked behind the F2P grindwall, it isn't. You only get so much gas/credit per day or week to do raids or other funner stuff (which is still difficult) and so then after that you have to do PvP which ends up being against OP'd people who have been playing it forever and sucks all the fun out of it. If they could figure out how to balance it or if you want to invest some time into it to level up, it has potential and is a novel game.

Then we switched to KF2 where Syntax promised me my Hans Volter backpack and failed miserably. I think we played for two or three hours. I'm not saying Syntax is a liar when he said he beat Hans Volter on solo the first time. I'm not saying Syntax wasn't trying last night. Maybe he had a bad night? I don't know. Even DFG couldn't save us.

Then I switched to Six Siege where it took me 1.5 hours to win 3 terrorist hunts with IQ for some random weekly (GSG9). One time it was down to the last 3 terrorists. I had 13% health. I took two down as they rushed me, but one flashbanged me, blinded me, and the last one came in and shot me when I couldn't see. I blame Syntax.

Tonight is the usual BF1.
Sadly, I don't have BF1, so I might either be on PUBG, KF2, or Tomb Raider.

bread's done