The "X's Room Smells Fresh Because He Can No Longer Fart" OTT

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[quote name='lordwow']I like my regular cellphone that they gave me for free.[/QUOTE]

I figured I'd spend $50 and get a nice phone with my renewal but it looks like I might opt for something cheap.

^ A cheeseburger eating a hot dog is never not funny.

[quote name='JimmieMac']I'm gonna let the fact that you called the X topics "retarded" slide because you're cranky and tired, I assume.[/quote]

Well that is true. I'm annoyed at everything before 9am on a day I'm at work.
[quote name='senorwoohoo']I figured I'd spend $50 and get a nice phone with my renewal but it looks like I might opt for something cheap.


Ya, that's the way it works. That's why I stick with the cheapo phone.
[quote name='senorwoohoo']:rofl:

Any QotSA fun has to go to Pitchfork and read Josh's explanation for his using "$$$$$$".

He's just ... the man.[/QUOTE]
He is That $$$$a.
Hey, the married guy with the kid is callin what's hot in the streets now, better listen up because he's got his elbow on the pulse of what's really good.
[quote name='woohoo']:rofl:

Any QotSA fun has to go to Pitchfork and read Josh's explanation for his using "$$$$$$".

He's just ... the man.[/quote]He sucks.
At least he blamed it on the flu.
[quote name='manthing']

Motherfucker, I don't need you to give me a reason to get drunk...[/quote]

Yeah, but you will use any excuse to get drunk. So you should be happy.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Yeah, but you will use any excuse to get drunk. So you should be happy.[/quote]

Meh, I don't need excuses...

Just my sweet, sweet alcomohol

But its not like he wasnt suppose to look like a real guy. Mario is way different in that fact.

Still looks good though. Alright time to stop fucking around and get some work done. See ya next week'ish OTT.
[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']Buy a 360 already, Dallow.
We can play Rock Band. : D[/quote]

Yeah, dallow.

And JFD, I'll play Rock Band with you!
[quote name='prmononoke']Yeah, dallow.

And JFD, I'll play Rock Band with you![/quote]

Ok, how we gonna do the band?

JFD= ?
Sean's gotta sing! He's soooooo good! :cool:
I'll fuck up either the bass or lead

Err..maybe not.

:ds: Space Invaders extreme is :drool:
[quote name='senorwoohoo']C'mon dallow, you don't see me hatin' on any of your faves.

'Cept S'moz, who I listen to here and there.[/quote]
Just to compare him to Moz, for fun.

His reply when he was called a racist by a cover story in the very popular music mag NME over in the UK.

Now that's a reply.
He rips that no-nothing editor to shreds.
[quote name='manthing']Ok, how we gonna do the band?

JFD= ?
Sean's gotta sing! He's soooooo good! :cool:
I'll fuck up either the bass or lead

Err..maybe not.

:ds: Space Invaders extreme is :drool:[/QUOTE]

JFD is good on drums. I prefer guitar, but if you want to hear my vocals, by all means, I'll do that ;)

[quote name='TheRock88']X took me off his XBL friend list.:cry:[/QUOTE]

Odd, maybe it was a mistake like when I took you off mine?
That's the joke, we don't keep you on our lists. We already have a Rock. You're good people and all but, you know, like I said before, you're not the party starter. More of a well wisher meaning we don't wish you any particular harm.
[quote name='Mojimbo']Didn't he do an asshole move and sue him for libel too? :cool:[/quote]
Who wouldn't? Putting words in his mouth and such.

NME is quite big, and racism claims have hurt him before.
It's not some little blog post.
[quote name='JimmieMac']That's the joke, we don't keep you on our lists. We already have a Rock. You're good people and all but, you know, like I said before, you're not the party starter. More of a well wisher meaning we don't wish you any particular harm.[/QUOTE]

That why you removed me?
[quote name='Brak']know-nothing*[/quote]
Slip of the keys.
Did you read it?

'course not.

[quote name='woohoo']
I can't read it all right now, but damn, you're right.

[quote name='jimbo'] Maybe he should stop saying things that could be construed as racist, then? :cool:
[/quote]That goes for all of us.
I stopped though. Phew.
[quote name='JimmieMac']That's the joke, we don't keep you on our lists. We already have a Rock. You're good people and all but, you know, like I said before, you're not the party starter. More of a well wisher meaning we don't wish you any particular harm.[/quote]

[quote name='JimmieMac']I don't think I ever had Sean on my list, if I did then that was a mistake from the get-go.[/QUOTE]

Well you did.

We played Big Bumpin together :whee:
Rock, keep grinding it out. Stay the course. Thousand points of light. Bridge to the future. Touchdown for Democracy. You'll get there some day, you just gotta keep on keepin' on.
[quote name='Mojimbo']No, because I won't sue them for libel.

You called Brian Eno an 'n-word' and I'll never let you live that down. :cool:[/quote]
Yeah, that's what got me to stop.

I used it in same puerile way as you and everyone else all the time even before Eno.
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