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  1. giftbj

    Is there anything I can do?

    Here's a link to the section of EBay: Hope it helps
  2. giftbj

    Is there anything I can do?

    I know you can file a fraud complaint through EBay. Although I have done it twice and nothing ever happened. If you paid through Paypal, I believe they have some sort of protection program, but I have never used it. Some people on Ebay are real jerk-offs. Hopefully you're not out too much money.
  3. giftbj

    What Xbox Games are you playing this week? Aug 8th to 14th

    Madden 2005 and Psi-Ops
  4. giftbj

    Ashlee Simpson is Ugly or Fug-ugly

    I'll go with fugly, or fug-ugly. However you want to put it, she's nasty.
  5. giftbj

    Former Xbox fanboy needs GC game advice

    I'd skip Rogue Leader and get Rogue Strike instead (should be able to find it for about the same price). Better 2-player IMO. Skies of Arcadia, as mentioned before, is also an excellent choice. Also, may want to pick up a copy of Phantasy Star Online I&II PLUS when it comes out in a few weeks.
  6. giftbj

    Another weird ebay story ... Updated!

    Wow, I thought I dealt with some real strange birds on EBay, but I'm with everyone else. WTF?
  7. giftbj

    College Students/Grads Opinion Poll.

    I worked about 35 hours a week (20 of it at suck-ass UPS where I had to get up at 3:50AM M-F) and went to school full-time. I was fine until my 2nd semester of Japanese hit. I think you'll be fine, just stay away from the time-consuming-process of learning Nihongo. BTW Terrible Terry Tate is...
  8. giftbj

    Your Favorite movies which no one had ever heard of

    Iron Monkey - can't go wrong with any of Donnie Yen's movies. He's in the movie Hero, he actioned choreographed The Princess Blade (which I saw mentioned earlier). Simply superb, if you get into the whole Hong Kong action scene.
  9. giftbj

    Your Favorite movies which no one had ever heard of

    The director is from Thailand, not sure where he produced the movie though. Also check out his first movie, Bangkok Dangerous. Awesome action flick
  10. giftbj

    ESPN Coke Promo

    If I get crazy and actually buy a Coke product, I'll send the codes no problem. Unfortunately, I am addicted to Mountain Dew.
  11. giftbj

    Your Favorite movies which no one had ever heard of

    Ah, Rutger Hauer. I had completely forgotten about this movie until I read your post. Definitely deserves to be on this list. Kudos.
  12. giftbj

    Your Favorite movies which no one had ever heard of

    I found a copy of the VHS version (new) of Run on, not from them directly, but one of their side vendors, z-sellers, or whatever they call them.
  13. giftbj

    Your Favorite movies which no one had ever heard of

    Couldn't agree more jmcc
  14. giftbj

    ESPN Sportscenter Old School

    I couldn't agree more. Supple leather! Just great, especially when compared with the lame-ass anchors they have today.
  15. giftbj

    Your Favorite movies which no one had ever heard of

    But without Shogun Assassin, would the Genius Gza ever have been able to make his first album Liquid Swords? Gza aside, the 6-Disc set is well worth checking out.
  16. giftbj

    Your Favorite movies which no one had ever heard of

    Agreed on Dead or Alive being better than Ichi. Ichi was great for the excessive amounts of violence (by the far the most violent I have ever seen). Kite was also decent, especially the Director's Cut!
  17. giftbj

    Your Favorite movies which no one had ever heard of

    Good call on Story of Ricky.
  18. giftbj

    Your Favorite movies which no one had ever heard of

    Best of the Best and Time Bandits, excellent choices!
  19. giftbj

    Best Buy, Circuit City, & Target Ads for 8/8 - 8/14

    My local Circuit City accepts competitor coupons with no hassel at all. I've used a Best Buy coupon at least twice there.
  20. giftbj

    Your Favorite movies which no one had ever heard of

    Versus Ichi the Killer
bread's done